School/University Press Release Examples

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Are you working for a university, school, or college and want to create a press release for your organization, event, or program? You’re in the right place!

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University Press Release Examples

Example #1: New degree program announcement

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What to Write a Press Release About – Universities, Schools, and Colleges

Need ideas for topics a university, school, or college could write a press release about? Here are 50 ideas to get you started:

  1. New Program Launch: Introduction of a new academic or extracurricular program.
  2. Accreditation: Achieving a new academic accreditation or renewal.
  3. Research Breakthrough: Announcing significant findings or innovations from university research.
  4. Faculty Achievements: Professors receiving awards, appointments, or distinctions.
  5. Student Achievements: Students winning national or international competitions, fellowships, or scholarships.
  6. New Construction: Groundbreaking or completion of new facilities or infrastructure.
  7. Distinguished Guests: Hosting renowned speakers, guests, or visiting professors.
  8. Major Grants: Receiving significant research grants or endowments.
  9. Athletic Achievements: Wins in major sports events or championships.
  10. Art Exhibitions: Hosting or curating significant art or historical exhibitions.
  11. Partnerships: Announcing collaborations with other institutions, corporations, or organizations.
  12. Rankings: Climbing or maintaining a high position in national or international rankings.
  13. Alumni Achievements: Celebrating successful alumni or their significant donations.
  14. Enrollment Milestones: Reaching a record number of applications or enrollments.
  15. Campus Events: Organizing events open to the public, such as festivals or fairs.
  16. Online Offerings: Launching new online courses, degrees, or digital platforms.
  17. Diversity Initiatives: Announcing new diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives or milestones.
  18. Financial Developments: Introduction of new scholarships, financial aid programs, or budget updates.
  19. Crisis Management: Addressing incidents or crises impacting the campus or its community.
  20. Study Abroad Programs: Announcing new international exchange or study opportunities.
  21. Environmental Initiatives: Achieving sustainability goals, green initiatives, or environmental recognitions.
  22. Library Collections: Acquiring significant collections, books, or digital resources.
  23. Conferences Hosted: Hosting significant academic or industry conferences.
  24. Technological Advancements: Introducing new tech facilities, labs, or initiatives.
  25. University Anniversaries: Celebrating significant anniversaries or historical moments.
  26. New Leadership: Appointing new deans, presidents, or other key administrators.
  27. Community Engagement: Announcing community outreach or service programs.
  28. Publications: Releasing significant university or faculty publications.
  29. Campus Expansions: Opening of satellite campuses or expansions.
  30. Global Initiatives: Establishing new international partnerships or campuses.
  31. Health Initiatives: Announcing new health or wellness programs for students.
  32. Staff Achievements: Recognizing staff members for their achievements or years of service.
  33. Honorary Degrees: Bestowing honorary degrees upon notable individuals.
  34. Innovation Hubs: Launching new innovation or entrepreneurial centers.
  35. Start-ups: Announcing successful student or faculty-led startups.
  36. Arts and Culture: Debuts of theatrical or musical productions.
  37. Scientific Expeditions: Launch or findings of significant scientific expeditions led by the institution.
  38. Legal Matters: Addressing significant legal matters, lawsuits, or regulatory changes.
  39. Fundraising Campaigns: Initiating or successfully concluding fundraising drives.
  40. Philanthropic Gifts: Receiving major philanthropic gifts or donations.
  41. Safety Measures: Implementing new safety or security measures on campus.
  42. Veteran Initiatives: Announcing programs or services dedicated to military veterans.
  43. Continuing Education: Launching new courses or programs for adult or lifelong learners.
  44. STEM Initiatives: Introducing new initiatives to promote STEM education.
  45. Faculty Books: Highlighting books or major works published by faculty.
  46. Student Government: Recognizing major achievements or changes initiated by student government.
  47. Historical Discoveries: Announcing findings related to the institution’s history or past.
  48. New Courses: Introducing unique or timely new courses.
  49. Sports Facilities: Opening or renovating sports or athletic facilities.
  50. Humanitarian Efforts: Announcing significant student or faculty-led humanitarian projects.

Press Release Templates for Schools, Colleges, or Universities

1. New Scholarship Announcement


[City, Date] – [School/University Name] is proud to announce the establishment of the [Scholarship Name] Scholarship, designed to support [Description of Recipients, e.g., outstanding undergraduates in STEM, talented students facing financial hardships, etc.]. Starting from [Academic Year/Season], this scholarship aims to [Purpose of the Scholarship, e.g., provide financial aid, encourage academic excellence, support research initiatives, etc.].

Thanks to the generous support of [Donor Name/Entity], who has contributed [Donation Amount] towards the fund, the [Scholarship Name] Scholarship will be awarded annually to [Number of Recipients] students, covering [Details of the Scholarship Benefits, e.g., tuition fees, living expenses, research grants, etc.].

[Quote from the donor/school official about the motivation behind the scholarship and its expected impact on the recipients and the academic community.]

Eligibility criteria and application details are available at [School/University Financial Aid Website]. We encourage eligible students to apply by [Application Deadline].

This new scholarship reinforces [School/University Name]’s commitment to making higher education accessible to all and supporting our students’ academic and professional aspirations.

For more information about the [Scholarship Name] Scholarship and other financial aid opportunities, please contact [Contact Information].

About [School/University Name]

[Short paragraph about the school/university, including founding year, mission, number of students, and notable achievements or programs.]


[Name of Contact Person]



[Phone Number]

2. School Receives Academic Achievement or Award


[City, Date] – [School/University Name] is proud to announce that [Student/Department/Team Name] has received [Name of Award/Achievement], recognizing their outstanding achievements in [Field/Subject]. This prestigious award, presented on [Date of Award], at [Location/Award Ceremony], highlights the exceptional work and dedication of our [students/faculty/staff] in advancing [specific aspect related to the award].

[Provide a quote from a key figure, e.g., the President, Dean, or recipient, expressing gratitude, the significance of the award, and its impact on the institution.]

This achievement reflects [School/University Name]’s commitment to excellence in [Academic Field/Research/Community Service] and underscores our role as a leader in [specific area or field]. We are dedicated to fostering an environment where our [students/faculty/staff] can achieve their full potential and make significant contributions to [society/the academic community/the world].

For more information about [Award/Achievement] and [School/University Name]’s programs, please contact [Contact Information].

About [School/University Name]

[Short paragraph about the school/university, including founding year, mission, number of students, and notable achievements or programs.]


[Name of Contact Person]



[Phone Number]

3. New Program or Department Launch


[City, Date] – [School/University Name], a leader in [Educational Field/Research], is excited to announce the launch of its new [Program/Department Name], starting [Semester/Year]. The [Program/Department] will offer [Type of Degrees/Courses] in [Field/Subject], designed to equip students with [skills, knowledge, benefits of the program].

[Include a statement from a key figure about the importance and expected impact of the new program or department.]

The [Program/Department Name] is developed in response to the growing demand for [reason for the program, e.g., emerging industry needs, technological advancements, etc.] and aims to prepare students for successful careers in [Field/Industry]. With a curriculum that combines theoretical knowledge and practical experience, students will benefit from [unique program features, e.g., internships, research opportunities, industry partnerships].

For more information about the [Program/Department Name] and admission requirements, please contact [Contact Information].

About [School/University Name]

[Short paragraph about the school/university, including founding year, mission, number of students, and notable achievements or programs.]


[Name of Contact Person]



[Phone Number]

4. Major Event or Conference Announcement


[City, Date] – [School/University Name] is proud to host the [Name of Event/Conference], scheduled for [Date(s)] at [Location]. This event will bring together [Description of Attendees, e.g., leading academics, industry professionals, students] to discuss [Main Themes/Topics], addressing key challenges and opportunities in [Field/Industry].

[Provide details about the event, including keynote speakers, workshops, panel discussions, and any other relevant information.]

[Include a quote from the event organizer or a key figure highlighting the significance of the event and what participants can expect to gain.]

The [Name of Event/Conference] is an excellent opportunity for [participants’ benefits, e.g., networking, learning, collaboration] in the field of [Field/Industry]. We invite [Target Audience] to join us for what promises to be an enlightening and engaging event.

For registration details and the full event schedule, please visit [Website] or contact [Contact Information].

About [School/University Name]

[Short paragraph about the school/university, including founding year, mission, number of students, and notable achievements or programs.]


[Name of Contact Person]



[Phone Number]

5. Strategic Partnership Announcement


[City, Date] – [School/University Name] is thrilled to announce a strategic partnership with [Partner Organization/Company Name], a leading [Industry/Field] organization. This collaboration is set to enhance [educational opportunities, research, community engagement, etc.] for our students and faculty, starting [Effective Date/Season/Year].

This partnership will enable [Description of what the partnership involves, such as joint research projects, internships for students, guest lectures, etc.], aligning with our mission to provide real-world experiences and foster innovation in [Field/Subject].

[Quote from a high-ranking official from the school/university expressing the importance of the partnership and expected outcomes.]

[Partner Organization/Company Name]’s commitment to [Related Field/Industry/Community Service] and its reputation for excellence make it an ideal partner for [School/University Name]. Together, we are poised to make significant contributions to [specific goals or areas, such as advancing technology, improving community health, etc.].

For more information about this partnership and its implications for [School/University Name], please contact [Contact Information].

About [School/University Name]

[Short paragraph about the school/university, including founding year, mission, number of students, and notable achievements or programs.]


[Name of Contact Person]



[Phone Number]

6. Fundraising Campaign Launch


[City, Date] – [School/University Name] is proud to launch its [Name of Campaign] fundraising campaign, aimed at [Campaign Goal, e.g., building a new library, scholarship fund, research endowment]. With a target of raising [Amount], the campaign kicks off on [Start Date] and will run through [End Date].

This initiative seeks to engage [Target Audience, e.g., alumni, local businesses, philanthropists] in supporting [specific purpose of the campaign]. The funds raised will go directly towards [Detailed Use of Funds, emphasizing the impact on students, faculty, and the broader community].

[Include a quote from a key figure at the school/university about the significance of the campaign and the difference it will make.]

We invite our community and supporters to join us in this effort. Contributions of any size can make a significant impact. For more details on how to donate and the benefits associated with different levels of support, please visit [Website/Contact Information].

About [School/University Name]

[Short paragraph about the school/university, including founding year, mission, number of students, and notable achievements or programs.]


[Name of Contact Person]



[Phone Number]

7. Introduction of New Technology or Facility


[City, Date] – [School/University Name] is excited to announce the introduction of [New Technology/Facility Name], a state-of-the-art [Description of Technology/Facility] designed to enhance [learning, research, student life, etc.]. Officially opening on [Opening Date], this addition underscores our commitment to providing cutting-edge resources and facilities to our students and faculty.

The [New Technology/Facility Name] features [Key Features and Benefits, such as advanced laboratory equipment, collaborative workspaces, etc.], enabling [Specific Advantages, such as innovative research, hands-on learning experiences, etc.]. This development positions [School/University Name] at the forefront of [Field/Industry] education and research.

[Quote from a school/university official or faculty member about the expected impact of the new technology/facility on the educational experience and outcomes.]

We look forward to seeing the creative and innovative ways our [students/faculty] will utilize the [New Technology/Facility Name] to push the boundaries of [Field/Industry]. For tours and more information, please contact [Contact Information].

About [School/University Name]

[Short paragraph about the school/university, including founding year, mission, number of students, and notable achievements or programs.]


[Name of Contact Person]



[Phone Number]

8. Faculty Achievement Highlight


[City, Date] – [School/University Name] takes immense pride in announcing that [Faculty Member Name], a distinguished member of our [Department Name], has been recognized with [Name of Award/Accomplishment], for their exceptional contributions to [Field/Subject]. This honor, awarded on [Date], at [Event/Ceremony, if applicable], places [Faculty Member Name] among the leading figures in [Field/Subject].

[Faculty Member Name]’s work on [Brief Description of Work or Achievement] has not only advanced the field of [Field/Subject] but has also greatly enriched our educational community by providing students with a model of excellence and dedication.

[Quote from the faculty member about the award/achievement and its significance to their work and the broader academic community.]

This accolade is a testament to [School/University Name]’s commitment to fostering an environment where faculty can pursue groundbreaking research and scholarship. Congratulations to [Faculty Member Name] on this remarkable achievement.

For more information about [Faculty Member Name]’s work and the [Department Name], please contact [Contact Information].

About [School/University Name]

[Short paragraph about the school/university, including founding year, mission, number of students, and notable achievements or programs.]


[Name of Contact Person]



[Phone Number]

9. Student-Led Project Success


[City, Date] – [School/University Name] is excited to celebrate the success of a student-led project, [Project Name], which has achieved [Describe Achievement, e.g., significant research finding, creation of a sustainable solution, community impact]. Initiated and executed by students from the [Department/Program Name], the project underscores the innovative spirit and dedication of our student body.

[Project Name] focused on [Brief Description of the Project and its Objectives], resulting in [Specific Outcomes, e.g., a new invention, a community service initiative, a significant research discovery]. This accomplishment not only contributes to the field of [Field/Subject] but also demonstrates the practical application of learning and the potential for student-led initiatives to effect real-world change.

[Include a quote from a student leader or team member on the project’s impact and what they learned through the process.]

We commend the students involved in [Project Name] for their hard work and innovation. Their achievements exemplify the values of [School/University Name] and our commitment to empowering students to take initiative and lead with purpose.

For more information about [Project Name] and other student-led projects at [School/University Name], please contact [Contact Information].

About [School/University Name]

[Short paragraph about the school/university, including founding year, mission, number of students, and notable achievements or programs.]


[Name of Contact Person]



[Phone Number]

10. Sports-Related Event or Achievement Announcement


[City, Date] – [School/University Name] is thrilled to announce [Description of the Sports Event/Achievement, e.g., the placement of its [sports name] team in a national ranking, the hosting of an intercollegiate sports tournament, etc.]. The event/achievement took place on [Date], marking a significant milestone in the history of our sports program.

Under the guidance of [Coach/Instructor Name], the [Team Name] demonstrated exceptional skill, teamwork, and determination, leading to [describe the outcome, e.g., a thrilling victory, a record-breaking performance, etc.]. This achievement highlights the strength and dedication of our athletes and the entire sports department at [School/University Name].

[Quote from a key figure, such as the coach, a team captain, or an athletic director, about the significance of the event/achievement and its impact on the team and school/university.]

We extend our heartfelt thanks to our supporters, including students, alumni, and fans, for their unwavering encouragement. This victory is not just for the team but for the entire [School/University Name] community.

For more details about the event/achievement and future engagements of [Team Name], please visit [School/University Sports Department Website] or contact [Contact Information].

About [School/University Name]

[Short paragraph about the school/university, including founding year, mission, number of students, and notable achievements, particularly in athletics.]


[Name of Contact Person]



[Phone Number]

These templates are designed to convey key information in a clear and engaging manner, tailored to highlight the significance of sports achievements and the introduction of new scholarship opportunities at educational institutions.

How to Write a Results-generating Press Release for Your University, School, or College

  1. Get started here: download your free press release template

    The first step in writing a press release is to set your press release up properly.
    Get this free press release template formatted for Microsoft Word
    Or, if you prefer, try this press release template formatted for Google Docs

  2. Go through our free press release writing course, which shows you exactly how to:

  3. Learn how to write frequently-written press release types:

  4. Let us write your press release for you

    Are you uncomfortable writing your own press release? We totally understand. That’s why we offer professional press release writing services for as little as $300. Learn more about our professional press release writing services here.

Finally, You Need To Distribute Your Press Release to the Right People

Even the best press release is useless unless the right people receive it! That’s our specialty – custom distributing press releases to the reporters, editors, bloggers, and influencers most likely to pick up and publish your press release, or even better, to write their own story about you. Learn more about our press release distribution services here.

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Finally, here are some tips and training to help you write an amazing press release:

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