New Business Press Release Examples and Templates

Press Releases for New Businesses

Are you launching a new business and looking to generate buzz and attract customers? A well-crafted press release can be an effective way to spread the word about your venture and gain media attention.

In this article, we’ll provide you with instructions, examples and templates for creating a compelling new business press release that will help you make a strong first impression.

Reach More Journalists

Table of Contents
Why Write Press Releases for Your New Business?
How to Write a Press Release for a New Business
New Business Press Release Templates
50 Reasons to Write a Press Release for Your New Business
New Business Press Release Examples
Distributing Your Press Release: Key to Press Release Success
Press Release Examples Across Several Industries

Why Write Press Releases for Your New Business?

A press release is a written communication that announces newsworthy information about your company to media outlets and the general public. When launching a new business, a press release can serve several purposes:

  1. Introducing your brand and its unique value proposition
  2. Providing details about your products or services
  3. Highlighting the key people behind the business
  4. Announcing your launch date and any special promotions
  5. Inviting media and potential customers to learn more

Crafting an effective new business press release requires understanding the key components and best practices.

How to Write a Press Release for a New Business

Writing a press release is unlike anything else you’ve ever written. Journalists and editors expect press releases to follow a certain format and writing style. If you don’t follow those, your release will likely be ignored.

Follow these step-by-step instructions to create an effective press release for your new business:

1. Start with a compelling headline

  • Keep it concise, engaging, and under 10 words.
  • Highlight the most newsworthy aspect of your business launch.
  • Example: “Innovative Tech Startup Launches Game-Changing Product”.

2. Write a strong lead paragraph

  • Answer the key questions: who, what, when, where, and why.
  • Summarize the main points of your press release in 3-4 sentences.
  • Include the most important information to grab the reader’s attention.

3. Provide background information

  • Explain the problem your business solves or the need it fulfills
  • Describe your target market and how your business serves them
  • Highlight the unique features and benefits of your products or services

4. Introduce key people

  • Mention the founders, owners, or key team members behind the business.
  • Include brief backgrounds and relevant experience.
  • Use quotes to add credibility and personality to your press release.

5. Include launch details and special offers

  • Announce your official launch date and any events or promotions.
  • Provide information on how customers can access your products or services.
  • Include any special introductory offers or discounts.

6. Add boilerplate information

  • Include a short “About Us” section at the end of the press release.
  • Provide a brief overview of your company, its mission, and its goals.
  • Include contact information for media inquiries and customer support.

7. End with a call-to-action
– Encourage readers to visit your website, follow you on social media, or contact you for more information
– Include relevant links and contact details

8. Proofread and edit
– Review your press release for spelling, grammar, and clarity
– Ensure all information is accurate and up-to-date
– Have someone else read it for feedback and suggestions

9. Distribute your press release
– Identify relevant media outlets and journalists in your industry
– Use press release distribution services to reach a wider audience
– Share your press release on your website, social media, and email campaigns

By following these instructions and using the provided templates and examples, you’ll be well-equipped to create a compelling press release that generates interest in your new business and helps you achieve your launch goals.

New Business Press Release Templates

It’s always easier to write from a template rather than starting from scratch. So, here are several templates you can use to make writing your press release easier.

Template 1: Grand Opening Press Release


[Business Name] Celebrates Grand Opening with Special Event

A New Chapter Begins in [City]

[CITY, State, Date] – [Business Name], a [type of business, e.g., boutique, restaurant, tech startup], is thrilled to announce its grand opening, set to take place on July 2024. at [time] at [location]. This grand opening event will feature [mention any special activities, guest appearances, promotions], highlighting our commitment to [briefly discuss the business mission or the value it brings to the community].

[Insert a quote from the business owner or a company executive expressing excitement about the grand opening and what it signifies for the community.]

The event is open to the public and promises to be an exciting opportunity for community members to explore what [Business Name] has to offer. Attendees can look forward to [describe any special offers, experiences, or entertainment provided at the event].

About [Business Name] [Provide a brief background of the business, its founders, and what sets it apart from competitors. Include a few sentences about the products or services offered and any unique aspects of the business.]

We invite all [target audience, e.g., local residents, food enthusiasts, technology aficionados] to join us for the grand opening festivities. It’s not just an opening; it’s the beginning of a long-lasting relationship with the community.

Event Details:

Date: [Date]
Time: [Start Time] to [End Time]
Location: [Full Venue Address]
Features: [Key attractions, special discounts, etc.]

Contact Information:

Contact: [Your Name]
Position: [Your Position]
Phone: [Your Phone Number]
Email: [Your Email Address]

Join us to celebrate a milestone in our journey and enjoy a day filled with surprises and delightful experiences. We look forward to welcoming you to [Business Name] and introducing you to our world of [mention type of products, services, or experiences].

Template 2: New Product Launch Press Release


[Business Name] Unveils Innovative New Product

Revolutionizing [Industry/Market] with Cutting-Edge Technology

[CITY, State, Date] – [Business Name], a company specializing in [industry or product type], is excited to announce the launch of its latest product, [Product Name], on [release date]. Designed to [describe main benefits or features], this product sets a new standard in [industry/field].

[Insert a quote from a key executive or the product manager, explaining the impact the product aims to have and how it addresses customer needs.]

[Product Name] is the result of extensive research and innovation, and it features [mention unique selling points or technology used]. This product is ideal for [describe the target market or audience], and aims to [state the main problem it solves or benefit it offers].

Product Details:
Features: [List key features briefly]
Price: [Mention the price or price range]
Availability: [State how and where the product can be purchased]

We invite all interested [customers, media, industry professionals] to join us for the product launch event, which will include demonstrations, special promotions, and exclusive insights into the development process.

Contact Information:

Contact: [Your Name]
Position: [Your Position]
Phone: [Your Phone Number]
Email: [Your Email Address]

[Business Name] is committed to leading the way in [industry] through innovation and customer-focused solutions. We are excited to bring [Product Name] to market and anticipate it will make a significant impact on the industry.


Template #3: Strategic Partnership Announcement


[Business Name] Forms Strategic Partnership with [Partner’s Business Name]

Joining Forces to Enhance [Industry] Solutions

[CITY, State, Date] – [Your Business Name], a leader in [your industry], is pleased to announce a strategic partnership with [Partner’s Business Name], [describe partner’s specialty]. This collaboration is set to enhance [describe what the partnership will improve or create].

[Include a quote from your CEO or relevant executive discussing the synergy between the two companies and what the partnership aims to achieve.]

The partnership will focus on [describe key areas of the partnership and expected projects or outcomes], benefiting our customers by [explain how customers will benefit from the partnership].

Partnership Highlights:

Joint Ventures: [Briefly mention any joint projects]
Co-developed Solutions: [Discuss any new solutions, products, or services]
Shared Resources: [Outline how resources will be shared or integrated]

We invite all stakeholders and the media to a press conference on July 2024. at [location/time], where leaders from both companies will discuss the partnership in greater detail and answer questions.

Contact Information:

Contact: [Your Name]
Position: [Your Position]
Phone: [Your Phone Number]
Email: [Your Email Address]

This partnership marks a milestone in our journey to provide innovative and effective [industry] solutions and demonstrates our commitment to excellence and collaboration.


50 Reasons to Write a Press Release for Your New Business

Most new businesses totally recognize the huge effect a successful press release can have on their company’s future. But what they struggle with is ideas – what could they write a press release about?

If that’s your situation, we’ve got your back!

Here are 50 topics a new business might consider for press releases, each with a brief description:

  1. Grand Opening: Announce the official opening of your business, highlighting the unique aspects of your products or services.
  2. New Product Launch: Introduce a new product, detailing its features and the benefits it offers to customers.
  3. Partnership Announcement: Share news about a strategic partnership with another company, explaining how it benefits both parties and customers.
  4. Corporate Milestone: Celebrate significant milestones like your first year in business or your 1000th customer.
  5. Community Event Sponsorship: Describe your business’s role in sponsoring a local event, underscoring your commitment to the community.
  6. Executive Appointment: Announce new key hires or promotions within your company, highlighting their background and expected contributions.
  7. Award or Recognition: Share any awards or recognitions your business has received, emphasizing the criteria and significance of the award.
  8. Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives: Detail initiatives your business is taking to operate sustainably or give back to the community.
  9. Expansion Plans: Inform the public about your plans to expand operations, open new locations, or enter new markets.
  10. Financial Results: Release your financial performance figures, focusing on growth indicators and profit margins.
  11. Research and Development Breakthroughs: Announce breakthroughs from your R&D efforts, explaining potential industry impacts.
  12. Charity Partnership: Detail a new collaboration with a charity, including the goals and expected outcomes of the partnership.
  13. Customer Success Story: Share a case study or story of how your product or service has positively impacted a customer.
  14. Website Relaunch: Announce the launch of your redesigned website, focusing on new features and improved user experience.
  15. Host a Major Event: Detail a major event your company is hosting, including its purpose and what attendees can expect.
  16. Industry Survey Results: Release the findings from a survey conducted by your company, providing insights into industry trends.
  17. Investment or Funding Announcement: Discuss new funding or investments your business has secured and how it will be used to grow the business.
  18. Product or Service Updates: Inform customers about significant updates to your products or services and their benefits.
  19. Business Anniversary: Celebrate an anniversary, reflecting on past achievements and plans for the future.
  20. Executive Speaking Engagement: Highlight upcoming speaking engagements of your executives, detailing the event and topics of discussion.
  21. Technology Upgrade: Discuss technological advancements your business has adopted and how they enhance service or product offerings.
  22. Employee Training Initiatives: Share details about new training programs for employees and how these will improve customer service or product quality.
  23. Safety or Compliance Achievements: Announce your compliance with industry standards or safety achievements, emphasizing the importance of these benchmarks.
  24. Seasonal Promotion: Promote a seasonal sale or offer, explaining the special deals customers can expect.
  25. Corporate Rebranding: Reveal a rebranding initiative, including the reasons behind it and the new brand identity.
  26. Market Research Findings: Publish findings from market research conducted by your business, offering insights into consumer behavior.
  27. Customer Loyalty Program Launch: Introduce a new customer loyalty program, explaining the benefits and how to join.
  28. Executive Retirement or Departure: Announce the retirement or departure of a key executive, reflecting on their contributions.
  29. New Office or Facility Opening: Detail the opening of a new office or facility and its strategic importance to your business.
  30. Public Offering Announcement: Inform about plans to go public or offer new shares, detailing the process and expectations.
  31. Holiday-Related Sales: Highlight special promotions tied to upcoming holidays, outlining exclusive deals.
  32. Educational Workshop or Seminar: Announce workshops or seminars your business will offer, focusing on educational content.
  33. Industry Compliance: Detail your business’s adherence to new industry regulations or standards.
  34. Corporate Restructuring: Explain any restructuring efforts, focusing on how this will streamline operations.
  35. Innovative Business Strategy: Share innovative strategies your business is implementing to stay competitive.
  36. Environmental Impact Report: Release a report on your company’s environmental impact and ongoing sustainability efforts.
  37. Customer Appreciation Event: Detail an event dedicated to thanking your customers, highlighting activities and special guests.
  38. Influencer Collaboration: Announce a collaboration with an influencer or celebrity, detailing the scope and expected impact.
  39. Product Recall: Inform the public about a product recall, ensuring transparency about steps taken to address the issue.
  40. International Expansion: Discuss your company’s move to operate in international markets, outlining the strategy and goals.
  41. Legal Victory: Share a legal victory or resolution of a significant case, detailing its implications for your business.
  42. Mobile App Launch: Announce the launch of a mobile app, focusing on functionality and user benefits.
  43. Crisis Response Initiative: Detail your company’s response to a crisis, emphasizing promptness and responsibility.
  44. Trade Show Participation: Inform about your business’s participation in an upcoming trade show and what you will showcase.
  45. Discount Offers: Promote exclusive discounts, explaining the criteria and duration of the offer.
  46. Philanthropic Contributions: Highlight contributions or donations made to charitable causes, underscoring corporate values.
  47. New Business Acquisition: Announce the acquisition of another company, discussing the benefits and future prospects.
  48. Innovation Awards Program: Launch an awards program to recognize innovation within your industry or community.
  49. Art or Cultural Sponsorship: Detail your sponsorship of cultural or artistic events, illustrating your support for the arts.
  50. Customer Feedback and Improvements: Share how customer feedback has led to significant improvements in your business.

Each of these topics can provide valuable content for engaging your audience and building your brand’s visibility.

New Business Press Release Examples

Whenever I try something new, I find it helpful to see how others have done it so I can model my work on theirs. Here are several examples of real press releases that you can use for ideas and inspiration.

Example #1: New restaurant announcement

Example #2: Company expansion into new business

Example #3: New partnership announcement

Example #4: New practice announcement

Distributing Your Press Release: Key to Press Release Success

The Advantages of Using a Service like

When it comes to maximizing the reach of your press release, using a specialized distribution service can be invaluable. Services like offer significant advantages for businesses looking to enhance their visibility and media presence.

Targeted Distribution: One of the primary benefits of using a service like is its ability to target specific industries and media outlets. has established relationships with thousands of journalists and content sources, ensuring that your press release reaches individuals who are most likely to be interested in your news. This targeted distribution helps to place your content in front of a relevant audience, increasing the likelihood of coverage and engagement.

Wide Reach: distributes press releases to a wide network, including the popular service PR Newswire, major news sites, professional associations, syndications and influencers across the web. This broad reach ensures that your announcement is accessible to a diverse audience, from potential customers to business partners and industry influencers. By leveraging the extensive network of eReleases, businesses can ensure their news travels far beyond their local or industry bubble.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Benefits: In the digital age, online visibility is crucial. optimizes each press release for search engines, which can help boost your website’s ranking and increase online visibility. By including targeted keywords and following SEO best practices, eReleases ensures that your press release not only reaches its intended audience but also supports your broader digital marketing strategies.

Professional Advice and Support: offers more than just distribution; they provide expert advice on press release writing and optimization. For businesses new to public relations, this guidance can be crucial in crafting a compelling and newsworthy press release. The support offered by eReleases can dramatically improve the quality of your content and increase its potential impact.

Measurable Results: With, you will receive detailed reports and analytics on the performance of your press releases. This data includes URLs of sites on which your press release has been published. Such insights are invaluable as they help businesses understand the effectiveness of their press releases and refine their PR strategies over time.

In summary, using a press release distribution service like not only simplifies the process of sharing your news but also amplifies its reach, enhances its impact, and provides measurable outcomes. For businesses looking to make a significant impact in their industry, investing in a reputable distribution service is a strategic move that can lead to increased media coverage, enhanced brand recognition, and ultimately, business growth.

Press Release Examples Across Several Industries

advertising marketing iconAdvertising & Marketing Press Release Examplesautomobile iconAutomotive Press Release Examples
Art Press Release Examplesbank iconBanking & Financial Services Press Release Examples
books iconBooks Press Release Examplesbusiness iconBusiness Press Release Examples
electronics iconConsumer Electronics Press Release Exampleseducation iconEducation Press Release Examples
environment iconEnvironment & Ecology Press Release Examplesfashion iconFashion Press Release Examples
fitness iconFitness Press Release Examplesfood iconFood & Beverage Press Release Examples
government iconGovernment Press Release Exampleshealthcare iconHealthcare Press Release Examples
hotel iconHotel Press Release Examplesinternet iconInternet Technology Press Release Examples
investment iconInvestments Press Release Exampleslaw firm iconLaw Firm Press Release Examples
personal finance iconPersonal Finance Press Release Examplespets iconPets Press Release Examples
real estate iconReal Estate Press Release Examplesretailing iconRetailing Press Release Examples
seniors iconSeniors Press Release Examplessoftware iconSoftware Press Release Examples
sports iconSports Press Release Examplestransportation iconTransportation & Trucking Press Release Examples
travel iconTravel Press Release Examples
Press release distribution service

Finally, here are some tips and training to help you write an amazing press release:

Additional Press Release Resources

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