11 Tips for Building Media Relations and Maintaining Relationships With the Media

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Kid JournalistLong-term relationships with the media are the most valuable. Over time, you can earn the trust of reporters by building a rapport with them. Once you’ve gained their trust and established that relationship, they’re likelier to pay attention to what you have to say, and of course, this increases your chances of getting the media coverage you so desire.

Media Relations

Media relations is the collaborative, symbiotic connection between journalists and public relations experts. This strategic relationship offers numerous advantages for both parties involved. Journalists benefit from media relations by gaining effortless access to compelling story ideas and reliable sources, enabling them to deliver well-rounded and timely news coverage. Companies enjoy easier access to having stories written about them.

How To Develop Media Relations

Developing and maintaining strong media relations is crucial for any company’s success in today’s fast-paced world. Effective public relations and media relations can open doors to valuable opportunities, enhance brand visibility, and establish credibility. 

The key to effective media relations is to realize that building relationships with the media is like almost any other business relationship, with the exception that no money is exchanged. Media personalities, journalists, reporters, bloggers, and influencers are first off, human beings, and second, highly trained and oftentimes influential individuals whose first priority is providing value to their audience.

So, how can you build media relations and maintain long-term relationships with key members of the media? Here are 11 tips to help you out.

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1. Identify influential reporters in your niche.  What audiences do you want to reach? Which reporters does your target audience read and watch? Make a list of the influential reporters, bloggers and influencers in your niche, and prioritize it according to the level of importance. Which media members do you really want to reach? Put them on top of the list. Remember, a targeted list is much more effective than a long, generic list of media members.

2. Keep your media lists up to date.  Media contacts are constantly changing. Reporters get shifted to new assignments, move on to new jobs, and so on. It’s important that you maintain your media list on a regular basis to keep all your contact information updated. Otherwise, when it comes time to pitch a story, you won’t have anyone to pitch it to.

3. Respect the reporter’s time. Reporters are constantly busy, and time is money. They are always up against deadlines, and for freelancer reporters, the faster they get the story done, the more money they make. Respect the time of your media contacts. Yes, you want to build a relationship with them, but when they’re up against a deadline, the last thing they want to do is chit-chat with you.

4. Be there when they need you.  Relationships are a two-way street. It’s not just about you reaching out to the media when you have a story to tell. You also need to be there for them. Sometimes, a reporter may call you for a comment on another story or for a tip or something else. You need to be there for them whenever they need you. That’s how you build a true relationship and establish yourself as a quality source.

5. Proactively provide tips to targeted reporters that don’t help you in any way.  As an industry insider, you know things long before a reporter would discover them. When you have a tip for a juicy story, eagerly reach out and pass it along to one favorite reporter, letting them know this tip is exclusively being supplied to them. This tactic is especially valuable when that story will not help you in any way. It creates a strong relationship of trust, and will likely result in their reaching out to you when they need a quote or other information for their own stories.

6. Stay in touch on a regular basis.  Sometimes, building media relationships is as simple as just letting them know you’re around. Just introduce yourself to the right reporters, offer suggestions about specific story angles that you’re an expert in, and just try to get listed on their contact list as an expert source for a particular topic. They can’t contact you if they don’t know you exist.

7. Know the science of news.  You need to become a connoisseur of the news. Study the news. Look at how stories are told. Watch the angles taken on stories, and pay attention to how experts are weaved into the stories to move them forward. This can help you interact properly with the media.

8. Never lie to a reporter.  Don’t stretch the truth, spin, comment on something you don’t really know about, or anything along those lines. When you lie, you put the reporter’s credibility at stake because their name is on the line with every story they publish. And that’s something they’ll never forget.

9. Craft Compelling Pitches.  When pitching your stories, make life easy for reporters by focusing on what makes them unique, newsworthy, and relevant to the journalist’s audience. Craft concise and attention-grabbing pitches that highlight the key elements of your story. Remember, journalists receive countless pitches daily, so make yours stand out.

10. Be Mindful of Deadlines and Editorial Calendars.  Stay informed about journalists’ deadlines and the editorial calendars of relevant media outlets. Align your pitches and news releases with their editorial plans to increase your chances of coverage. By understanding their timelines, you demonstrate respect for their workflow.

11. Follow-Up and Express Gratitude.  After journalists cover your story or provide media exposure, don’t forget to follow up and express your gratitude. A simple thank-you email or a handwritten note can go a long way in nurturing the relationship and leaving a positive impression.

Developing strong media relations is a continuous process that requires time, effort, and a strategic approach. By understanding the media landscape, building genuine relationships, and consistently providing valuable content, your company can forge lasting media connections. 

Remember, effective media relations can elevate your brand’s visibility, establish credibility, and create countless opportunities for growth in today’s media-driven world.

What are some of your best tactics for cultivating strong media relationships?

This article is written by Mickie Kennedy, founder of eReleases (https://www.ereleases.com), the online leader in affordable press release distribution. Download a free copy of the PR Checklist – a 24 point list of Press Release Dos and Don’ts here: https://www.ereleases.com/free-offer/pr-checklist/

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