Sending Press Releases: How Does It Work?

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Do you have a product launch or an upcoming newsworthy event on which you want to get media attention? One of the best ways to secure coverage from relevant media is by sending a press release. By framing your news story in a captivating way, you’ll gain media attention and, hopefully, get journalists to post an article about it.

sending press releases

Sending press releases is a straightforward process but can be overwhelming if you don’t have any experience in the area. Press releases need to be deliberate and include critical pieces of information.

This guide will discuss how to write a press release and how to effectively send one to people who want to learn more about your company.

What Is a Press Release?

A press release is designed to promote specific and essential information about your business. Press releases should stick to a strict format. Some of the purposes of a press release include:

  • Sharing information about your company
  • Notifying media members about an upcoming event
  • Promoting your company’s presence on the web via social media, websites, and blogs
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The end goal of a press release is having journalists write about your news. You want them to spread the word, so you increase awareness about your brand and what you have to offer.

What’s the Structure for a Press Release?

Press releases need to follow a standard format. Journalists have come to expect the same overall layout for press releases, ensuring they know what to find when they review your press release. Following the same format also helps them figure out if they want to cover your news or not.

Also, by following the standard template, you show media members that you’re a seasoned pro when it comes to press releases (even if you’re not). You want to put your best foot forward and appear professional at all times.

Below are the items you should include in your press release and the order in which they should appear:

  • Headline: A brief snapshot of what the release says
  • Lead: A short overview that tells the reader who, what, when, why, and with what effort
  • Body: A few paragraph explanation of the story
  • Dateline: Show that you’re showing the most recent information
  • Company Information: A brief overview of your company
  • Media Contact Info: The company’s contact information for media inquiries

Pair this structure with a newsworthy story, and you’ll be set up for success with your press release.

Our Tips for Effectively Sending Press Releases

Now that you know the basic format for a press release and when to send one, let’s discuss some tips for press release distribution. Knowing when and how to pitch media members is key to securing coverage.

Create a Media List

Once you have your press release drafted, it’s time to send it out. But, who do you send your press release to?

For this, you’ll need to do a bit of research. Create a spreadsheet with different columns for:

  • A media member’s name
  • Email address
  • Phone number
  • Outlet name

You’ll want to look at traditional news outlets. This includes magazines, newspapers, TV channels, and their websites. Look at ones that are in your area first.

You can visit their websites to find out their media contact’s names and contact information. If you can’t locate them, you can also look on LinkedIn or give them a call.

Additionally, you’ll want to explore nontraditional news sources. This includes:

  • Blogs
  • Networking websites
  • Facebook groups
  • Digital groups
  • Instagram accounts

While they’re not traditional news outlets, they’re a great way to get information out.

Use a Press Release Distribution Service

A press release distribution service will instantly distribute your press release to thousands of media members, news outlets, and influencers. Distribution services do cost money, but they’re a guaranteed way to get in front of people that you might not have even considered if you were attempting to send out your release yourself. Additionally, they’ll also provide you with analytic reports to gauge the success of your press release.

Sending out a press release through a distribution service is easy. You’ll typically start by uploading your press release and relevant media. Then, you’ll select a target audience and release date.

You’ll also get connected with a press release editor or writer. They’ll review your press release to ensure it’s polished and ready for distribution.

Talk About Your Press Release on Social Media

Once your press release has been sent out and the news has started getting posted on news sites, make sure you follow up. Share the link to their stories on your social media accounts to boost your authority with your followers.

You can also republish your press release on your company’s website on a press page or as a blog article. Include social sharing buttons so readers can post to their own social media pages.

Track the Performance of Your Release

Gauging the effectiveness of your press release not only tells you how it’s performing but also helps you learn what didn’t work well so you can make adjustments in the future. As we said earlier, a press release distribution service will provide you with a performance report.

You can also track its performance by conducting an internet search. Set your search settings to the day you sent the press release out until the present day.

Type your business’s name into the search bar and look for relevant links. You can also change up what you search for by including more specific information. Drop all the links you find into a spreadsheet so you can continually track them.

Partner With eReleases for Press Release Distribution

Sending press releases doesn’t have to be complicated when working with an experienced press release agency. We have teams of writers and editors that will encapsulate your vision, telling your story in an effective way that gets news coverage.

Contact us today to learn more about our press release writing and distribution services.

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