Don’t Sweat It! A Complete Guide to Sending a Press Release

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sending a press release

Did you know that the median number of clicks a press release gets is zero? This is extremely disheartening for those of us who spend our time making press releases.

You may think that press releases aren’t as exciting as they once were. But, the real problem is that people don’t understand how to send a press release for today’s audience.

If you’re looking to learn how to send a press release the right way, keep reading. We’re going to let you in on everything you need to know when it comes to press releases.

Sending a Press Release

Let’s go through each step, starting with writing the press release.

Reach More Journalists

There are several things you have to take into account while you’re making and releasing the document. However, you shouldn’t worry. We’re going to cover everything that you need to know to have a successful press release. 

1. Write the Release

Let’s start from the very beginning: how to write a press release. Undertaking a task this big can seem daunting, but that’s why we’re here.

We’re going to walk through the process of creating the best press release possible. This will prepare you for a smooth send-off.

Choose Your News

The point of a press release is to market. Yes, it’s a public relations document, but it is also useful for marketing.

Find out what you’re writing a press release for. What do you deem so important that it calls for a press release?

Potential news could include the following:

  • Your company is releasing a new product
  • Your company is merging with another company
  • Your company is buying another company
  • Your company has reached one of its goals

Whatever it is, you need to be ready to make it clear. Otherwise, people won’t understand why they’re reading the document.

Make a Strong Headline

The headline is the first thing most readers see before choose to read something. They scan the page to see what they want to read and what they’d rather skip.

Your goal is to get them to read yours. Therefore, you need a strong headline that’s going to captivate your audience.

Journalists who are looking for the best story are going to look for headlines with strong verbs. You should also add keywords that are relevant to your content area’s niche. If you’re trying to get specific journalists and new stations to pick up the story, you should look at past examples to see what the best headlines were.

Remember the Subheadline

Some writers forget to make a strong subheadline, but it’s important.

The subheadline gives readers a better idea of what the document is about. Therefore, they can better decide if this is a headline for them. 

We suggest using keywords here, too. This will help draw your readers’ eye to the subjects they’re looking for.

Keep Consistent 

Don’t make a fake headline. Journalists will not work with you if you’re creating clickbait content.

You need to make sure that you’re actually talking about what the headline mentions. Otherwise, people in the media aren’t going to trust your future press releases.

We say all of this to warn you. We want you to create engaging titles, but you shouldn’t lie to get views.

Include Pertinent Information

Journalists do not like being left in the dark. If they don’t have enough information to launch a story, they are not going to take the time to pick it up. This means that you need to give all of the necessary details in your press release.

Just remember to include the five Ws:

  1. Who?
  2. What?
  3. When?
  4. Where?
  5. Why?

When you’re talking about anything in your press release, you need to give as much detail as possible. Use the above questions to make your document as detailed as possible.

Include Different Media

If you plague your press release with too many words, a journalist isn’t likely to pick it up. Switch up your document by adding different kinds of media, including photos and videos.

Having a diversified and interactive press release will encourage journalists to pick up your content. Therefore, you’ll make it more successful by having these different types of media.

Get creative and have fun. You’re more likely to make a successful press release that way.

Optimize Your Boilerplate

The boilerplate is the section where you give information about your business. This section tells readers what your business does and how your business can help them and others.

Make sure to hype up your business in this section. It’s important to bring positive attention to your business so that journalists are interested in what you have to offer.

Give Your Contact Information

You need to be attainable. If journalists can’t reach you, they aren’t going to pick up your press release.

The journalist who is looking to pick up your story may need additional information, and you have to show that you’re willing to give it. Simply add a couple of easy ways to contact you.

2. Upload the Press Release and Publish It

Now that you’ve written the best press release ever, you need to upload and publish it. You can do this using a press release distribution service.

Make sure to read through the document one last time to ensure that there are no errors. Then, you’re ready for launch.

3. Evaluating Results

The press release distribution service of your choice should have a way for you to see how many people have picked up your press release.

These analytics can help you understand how successful your document was. Then, you can make changes as you see fit.

The Best PR Writing and PR Distribution Services

Congratulations! Now, you know how to write a press release, what to include in a press release, when to send a press release, what’s involved in sending a press release, and how to learn from your past press releases.

You know everything. You’re an expert!

Go off and write your best press release to date. We’re excited to see what you come up with!

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