4 Easy Ways to Provide Commentary on Current Events

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You probably already know that one great way to get press is to tie your company to current events. Piggybacking on other news stories can make it easier for you to get quoted, get your name out there, create some buzz around your company, and establish yourself and your brand as an expert in the industry.

But make no mistake—there’s a right way and a wrong way to go about tying your brand to news events. Many people approach it the wrong way—from a pure advertising and marketing point of view. Let me explain by giving you a fake scenario:

An airplane crashes due to faulty air traffic control equipment that led to lack of communication and ultimately the crash. A company who manufactures this new, cutting-edge air traffic control equipment thinks this is an opportunity to get their name out there. So, what do they do? They send out press releases, make advertisements, etc. that basically scream “Hey, we make great air traffic control equipment that could have prevented this disaster from taking place!”

What’s wrong with this approach?

It’s just an advertisement, and reporters aren’t interested in that. This isn’t how you tie your brand to news events. The way to tie your brand to news events is to provide commentary on the events. Position yourself as the expert and thought leader on the topic.

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So, in the example above, instead of the company coming out and saying, “Hey, we make great air traffic control equipment that could have prevented this disaster from taking place!” they could have provided general, unbiased analysis of the situation. That’s what would get them quoted in stories, interviewed on TV, etc.

So, how can you provide commentary on current events so that you can become the go-to source for your niche?

  1. Write a blog post—You do have a blog, right? Use it! Write a post breaking down the news event at hand. Talk about its grander implications, or provide eye-opening insights that no one else is offering. Again, the goal isn’t to pitch your products and services. The goal is to make yourself the expert in your field so that any time a news story relevant to your niche comes out, people turn to you to hear what you have to say.
  2. Tweet about it—Twitter (and Facebook) is the easiest, fastest way to provide commentary on a news event. News stories have a shorter shelf life than ever before, so you have to jump on them immediately if you want your commentary to matter. Tweet out your insights, and reply to others who are Tweeting about the topic, too (especially if it’s a reporter).
  3. Contact reporters—Reporters are always looking for expert sources to provide analysis on news events. You want to be that source for your niche. But you shouldn’t sit back and wait for reporters to come to you. You need to go to them with your commentary. If you have relationships with certain reporters, get in touch with them to speak when a story breaks. Pay attention to HARO to find reporters who are looking for sources for their stories.
  4. Send out a press release—Finally, you can send out press releases with your commentary on the news event. Make sure you include some really insightful, powerful quotes as these are especially important in commentary press releases.

What are some other ways to tie your brand to current news events? Share your tips by commenting below.

This article is written by Mickie Kennedy, founder of eReleases (https://www.ereleases.com), the online leader in affordable press release distribution. Grab three ebooks, including My Facebook Formula, a free report on Facebook and why you should be using the largest social network for your business, here: https://www.ereleases.com/free-offer/big-press-release-samples-book/

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