PR Fuel: Press Release News, Resources & Public Relations Tips - Page 89 of 93

Letters to the Editor: A Free Public Relations Resource

January 02 2009

You may not think of a letter to the editor as a way to extend your public relations budget, but a well-crafted letter in a widely read publication can be a powerful (and free) way to promote your company. Writing an effective letter to the editor will be that much easier if you use the following tips.… Read more

PR Basics: Develop Key Messages for Media Interviews

December 31 2008

Good communicators don’t just wing it. They take the time to prepare, developing key messages. Effective communication depends on clarity, and clarity requires developing key messages and using them consistently. The discipline is deceptively simple, but once mastered, key messages will ma… Read more

Going “Off the Record” in Public Relations Communications

December 30 2008

“Off the record” is gray area for journalists and public relations professionals alike. As a reporter, if someone tells me they’re going to talk to me “off the record,” I normally take that to mean they’re willing to give me information, but don’t want that … Read more

Public Relations Basics: Optimizing Your Online Presence

December 30 2008

By now most organizations — non-profit or for-profit, large or small — have added a web presence to their public relations efforts. It’s not enough, however, just to have a web site. Leaving it dangling out there in cyberspace like a forlorn little planet in a faraway galaxy is a mistak… Read more

Hotel Concierges: An Unexpected Public Relations Tool

December 29 2008

If you perform public relations functions for the entertainment industry, retail industry, or the arts, you may not realize that you have a city full of goodwill ambassadors that are ready to spread the word for you. Hotel concierges at business-class and upscale establishments stand ready to serve gue… Read more

Public Relations Basics: Dealing with Difficult Clients

December 26 2008

Over the years, I’ve made friends with many people who work in the public relations industry. We’ll often talk on the phone about the PR business, exchanging stories and ideas. Recently I’ve had conversations with a number of these public relations pals, and all of them had a singular … Read more

Nine Mistakes to Avoid in Public Relations

December 26 2008

Public relations is a difficult field. Your job is essentially to get journalists to do half of your work. There is an enormous amount of pressure on a public relations consultant, especially when things aren’t going well for your client or employer. Diana Turowski is a public relations professio… Read more

Who Should Write Your Press Release?

December 23 2008

Writing a press release isn’t always easy. The public relations department, which must pitch the release, wants to have a say in its content. The subjects quoted in the release, often high-level executives, want to make sure they sound professional and intelligent. Business partners mentioned … Read more

Public Relations Basics: 14 Tips for Your Next Media Interview

December 22 2008

1. Know what you want to say. It seems obvious, but first timers and public relations pros alike should never sit down for a media interview without planning out their key messages ahead of time. Writing your key messages down will allow you to refine and memorize them before your interviewer asks the first … Read more

Four Tips for Improving a Boring Press Release

December 19 2008

When writing a press release, especially one that contains numbers or statistics, even seasoned public relations consultants can find their message failing to grab the media’s attention. Here are a four tips for perking up that dry, boring press release.… Read more