PR Fuel: Press Release News, Resources & Public Relations Tips - Page 87 of 93

Private PR Versus PR for Public Companies

February 04 2009

Private Company PR vs. PR for a Public Company

The difference between doing public relations for a private company and a handling PR for public company is the difference between watching your kid’s little league team and then taking a major league game.… Read more

What It Takes to Be a PR Person

February 04 2009

PR is an intense and difficult job that can be rewarding and disappointing. It can be exciting, and mind-numbingly boring. PR, more often than not, is misunderstood by people outside of the industry. … Read more

Escape the Blogalanche: Make Your Blog a “Must Read”

February 03 2009

It’s almost hard to believe that a little less than a decade ago, you could actually keep up with the blogosphere. In the years between the dot-com bust and the Web 2.0 explosion, you could count the number of blogs devoted to, say, music or movies on one or two hands. A few years ago, as blogging explode… Read more

Selecting the Right PR Firm for Your Company

January 29 2009

A friend of mine called recently, looking for a public relations firm to handle a new project. He had already interviewed a few potential firms, and he wanted to know if I would sit in with him during a second round of interviews. What we learned should provide entrepreneurs and start-up companies alike wit… Read more

Planning an Event? Better Have a Contingency Plan

January 26 2009

Event planning is a difficult process, whether you’re a layperson or a public relations pro. Schedules need to be coordinated, collateral material needs to be assembled, and presentations need to be prepared. Entertainment and catering services may need to be booked, and guests must be attende… Read more

Telecommuting: the Future of Public Relations?

January 23 2009

I’ve spent the better part of the past ten years working from the comfort of my home. I’ve had offices, and I’ve worked in a newsroom. But more often than not, my own dwelling has doubled as my office. The main reason I’ve been allowed to work from home is that, in general, my work has … Read more

Three Public Relations Pitfalls to Avoid

January 20 2009

1. The Friday Afternoon Bad News Press Release

For decades, the White House has used Friday afternoon as a time to release bad news to the media. The rationale is that the media is wrapping up a busy week, Saturday newspaper circulation and readership is lower than any other day of the week, and the public is j… Read more

Embargoed Press Releases

January 19 2009

Sometimes a public relations rep sends a journalist a press release that is “under embargo.” This means the reporter can’t publish a word regarding the contents of the press release until after a certain date and time. But in this day and age, journalists and public relations profess… Read more

Make Sure Your Press Release Contains “Just the Facts”

January 16 2009

A press release is not an advertisement. A press release is a subtle piece of advertorial: a combination of advertising and editorial content. The point of advertising is to bring a product, service, or cause to the attention of a consumer, voter, volunteer, or contributor. It involves matching the righ… Read more

Little White Lies Can Lead to Big Problems in Public Relations

January 14 2009

In the world of journalism, every so often a reader will send in a tip that is worth a reporter’s time. Usually the reader has uncovered something about a company or individual that isn’t quite right. And that discovery can turn into a public relations nightmare for the company or individual i… Read more