8 Ways to Ensure Your Press Releases Receive Media Coverage

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Did you know most newspapers publish upwards of 200 articles a day? Some of the heaviest hitters are publishing more than 1,000 pieces of content on a daily basis.

That means there are a lot of journalists who are hungry for content. So why does it sometimes feel so difficult to get media coverage for your press releases?

As much as there are lots of journalists looking for content, there are also plenty of business leaders looking for press too. These eight tips can help you make sure your press release stands out in the crowd.

1. Make Your Press Release Interesting

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The first thing you need to do to ensure your press releases get media coverage is make sure they’re newsworthy. It may seem like a big deal to you that you’ve made your thousandth sale. Does anyone else care?

They might if you’re throwing a party or donating to charity in celebration. They may also be interested in local business success stories. Another journalist might want a story about how a grant helped you upgrade technology.

You can also leverage your expertise on a subject here. Is there a news story about data science or the restaurant scene in town? Your insights as a business owner in a related area could stand out then.

Almost anything can be worthy of a press release, but you have to look for the hook that will attract journalists and their readers.

2. Keep It Short and Simple

You’ve got a great story and a great angle. Now you need to know how to write a press release that will catch journalists’ attention.

The best way to do this is usually to keep it short and simple. Yes, journalists are looking for content. They probably don’t want to read an in-depth analysis of your new computer system.

You may also risk repeating yourself in longer content. Shorter is usually better for that reason too. Make your point quickly.

A simple story is also better, because the point will be more apparent. The more details you try to include, the more difficulty your readers may have finding the point.

Once you’re done, don’t forget to proofread. You may even want to send your release over to a team of experts.

3. Master the Art of Headlines

You can write a great press release, but people will look right past it. What’s the problem?

More often than not, it’s your headline. The headline is the first thing anyone sees, so it needs to jump out and grab their attention.

If you’ve done any email marketing, you know the importance of subject lines. Your press release headline works the same way.

Is there a surprising statistic you can include? If you’re pitching to local media, then think about the local angle. Are you predicting new trends?

Good headlines accurately sum up the article, but they also generate interest. A quote or other impactful statement could also be a good candidate.

4. Pick the Right Journalists for Media Coverage

Who do you send your press releases to? If the answer is “everyone,” that may be part of the reason you’re not getting media coverage.

It’s not that journalists want exclusive stories. They pick up stories from newswires and other press release platforms all the time. In fact, using these platforms can be one way of reaching a wider audience.

The problem may be that you’re pitching to the wrong people. A national newspaper editor may not be interested in your local business success story, but your hometown business editor might eat it up.

The other issue may be that you’re not pitching the story to these people the right way. A local journalist may not be interested in news from the Asian market. If you can put a local twist on it, they’ll be more inclined to pick the story up.

5. Use the Right Platform for Press Releases

Another issue might be the platform you’re using for your press release. You’ll want to carefully consider the service you sign up with.

The best platforms should offer you access to an exclusive database of journalists. In addition, the platform should offer custom distribution to major media outlets and newswires. That way, you can get to the right venues and the right people.

A good platform may even go beyond this, offering you services like SEO to help your press release perform in Google searches.

6. Make It Easy for Journalists to Follow Up

Always include contact information with your press release. That way, journalists can follow up with you if they want to do a more in-depth piece.

This can go a long way to creating relationships with individual reporters. In turn, you and the journalists you work with can rely on each other. They’ll turn to you when they need to consult an expert, and you can send your press releases directly to them.

7. Consider Supporting Stars

Your business is in the starring role for your press release, but don’t forget about your supporting cast of characters. Is there a local politician who made it possible for businesses like yours to get grants? Did you team up with a local charity?

Mentioning these partners and personalities can help you generate more positive media coverage. The charity you worked with may push the press release through their own network. That may get you picked up on more outlets or help generate more buzz on social media.

8. Add Some Visuals

Finally, give your press release some more curb appeal by adding visuals. If you have statistics you collected from a survey, make a graph or a pie chart. A photograph of your team can also help.

Visuals help get your press release noticed. Journalists are more likely to pick up a piece with visuals, especially since readers prefer this kind of content. Multimedia can also help your press release perform on social media.

Get Ready to Generate Media Buzz

Getting the media coverage your business deserves doesn’t need to be difficult. With great press releases, the right connections, and the right platform, you can get the word out about your business.

Ready to get started? Get in touch with the experts and discover how easy it can be to make press releases work for your business.

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