How to Thank a Reporter Who Covered Your Press Release

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You wake up one day and check your local newspaper. Lo and behold, right there on the first page, is a news story based on your press release! After all these many years a friendly reporter did you a solid and covered your announcement. So how do you go about thanking them? Send them flowers? Take them to a fancy dinner?

While those would be nice, there are better ways out there you can help them. Like…

Promote Their Work

One of the best ways to thank a reporter is to promote the heck out of their newspaper (or magazine, or blog or…) The only way they get more business is by more readers, and often the only way they get more readers is through word of mouth. This is especially true today considering how fast the world seems to be running from traditional media!

So get out there and thank them by telling the world all about the reporter’s place of business. Even more importantly, tell the world about the reporter themselves! It’s a boost not only to their self esteem but to their resume and possibly their pay grade. What better way to thank them by possibly getting them more money?

Press releases make money

Become a (Reliable) Source

Since the reporter helped you with your company’s story by getting it in the paper, you can return the favor by helping them with future stories. Not just about yourself, mind you. Becoming a source and reference point for the reporter can be extremely valuable, to both parties.

Call the reporter up after the press release is printed and thank them. Then, mention you would like to help them in the future with anything. Tell them what your area of expertise is. The next a story comes up and they need a quote or a source, they’ll think of you. Now, not only did you have a story in the paper, you’re now getting repeat business.

This is a particularly beneficial situation to both parties involved. They get help with their huge workload and busy schedule, and you and your company get more coverage than you probably bargained for.

How have you thanked a reporter who covered your press release? Share below.

This article is written by Mickie Kennedy, founder of eReleases (, the online leader in affordable press release distribution. Grab your free 160-page copy of the Big Press Release Book – Press Releases for Every Occasion and Industry here:

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