Why You Should Still Try To Get Print Media Coverage

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Because most people tend to get their news online these days, most PR people have shifted their efforts from getting coverage in traditional newspapers and magazines to getting coverage on blogs and relevant websites. And while there are certainly many advantages to targeting online publications (e.g. you can reach a wider audience, drive traffic to your website, build links, target way more publications, etc.) that doesn’t mean you should neglect print media altogether. Print isn’t dead, and great opportunities still exist for spreading your message.


newspapers showing extra extra messageTargeting print publications offers some important advantages:


  • Get more in-depth coverage—Often times, print publications tend to provide longer, more detailed articles than you find online. That’s because the computer screen (or phone screen) just isn’t designed for long-form reading. Multiple studies have shown that people read content online differently than they do in print. Online, people tend to scan content quickly. In print, they’re likelier to read it word for word. As a result, print publications can get away with doing longer, in-depth stories, and this gives you the opportunity to get more robust coverage.
  • Make a lasting impact with readers—Because people tend to read print content more thoroughly and carefully than online content, your print stories could have a more lasting impact on your audience. Also, the shelf life of an online article isn’t always that long. New content is being published online by the second, competing for the attention of your audience. A magazine or newspaper, on the other hand, can often stick around on a person’s desk or coffee table for days, months, or even years, giving your story some true lasting power.
  • Build trust—There’s something about print media that’s just inherently credible. When you read something in a newspaper or reputable magazine, you know that it was fact-checked and that it’s accurate. That’s not always the case with a blog post. Therefore, earned media coverage in print can go a long way to increasing your trustworthiness with your target audience.



What do you think? Is it still worth going after print media opportunities? Or should PR people just focus their efforts online? Share your thoughts by commenting below. 

This article is written by Mickie Kennedy, founder of eReleases (https://www.ereleases.com), the online leader in affordable press release distribution. Grab your free 160-page copy of the Big Press Release Book – Press Releases for Every Occasion and Industry here: https://www.ereleases.com/free-offer/big-press-release-samples-book/>

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