A Step-by-Step Guide to Crafting the Perfect Press Release Email

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how to send a press release via email

You’ve written a great press release, and it’s ready to be sent to the media. But how can you reach out in a way that will get your press release read and written about?

Today we’re diving into the important step of contacting the media. We’ll talk about how to send a press release via email that will get you the results you need!

Press Release Emails

Hopefully, you already have your press release ready, but it’s important to keep a few things in mind.

A press release is one of the best ways to share something newsworthy with the world. Whether yours is about an event, a new product, or an important update, it needs to be the right length. It should contain info that provides content and value to the reader.

Reach More Journalists

The goal is obviously to grab the attention of journalists and media outlets so they talk about your news.

So how long should a good press release within an email be? You might think you have to alter the length. But even when part of an email, your goal should be to make sure whoever is reading it can get all the important details without feeling overwhelmed.

A good press release word count is usually around 300 to 400 words, regardless of how you’re sending it out. This is enough space to say what you need to without losing the reader’s interest.

Press releases have changed a lot in recent years because of the internet and social media. In the past, they were mostly sent to newspapers and TV stations.

Now they can be shared online, reaching a lot more people in a short amount of time.

Building a Media List

When you have news to share, you want it to reach people who will be genuinely interested. This is where a media list comes into play.

A media list is a collection of your contacts in the media world. These could be journalists, bloggers, or influencers who cover topics related to your news.

Creating a media list takes a bit of research. Start by looking for people who write about your industry. Ideally, you can add people who have shown interest in similar stories.

You can find them by reading articles or checking out social media. You can also use media databases that list journalists by their beat or area of interest.

The next step is to gather their contact information, which is usually their email addresses. Sometimes you can find this info on the website where they publish their work.

You might need to use social media or even call the media outlet to ask.

It’s important to remember that not all media contacts will be a perfect fit for every story. That’s why customizing your approach is key.

You might not send the same email to a local newspaper reporter and a national magazine journalist.

Understanding what they usually write about can help you tailor your message so it’s more likely to catch their interest.

Building a solid media list is a process. It involves understanding who is likely to be interested in your news and why. With a good list in hand, you’re one step closer to getting your story out into the world.

Preparing Your Email

When it’s time to send your press release to the media, the email you write is just as important as the release itself.

Your email is the first thing a journalist sees. It decides if they will even look at your press release. So, it’s essential to make a good impression from the start.

The subject line of your email is your first chance to grab attention. It should be clear and interesting, giving the journalist a good reason to read more.

Avoid using all caps or too many exclamation points. These are often signals that the email is spammy. Instead, focus on making the subject concise and informative. This will help your email stand out in a busy inbox.

The body of your email should start with a personal greeting. Use the journalist’s name if you know it.

This adds a personal touch and shows you’ve done your homework. After the greeting, introduce yourself briefly and explain why you’re reaching out. Keep it short and to the point.

Then move on to summarizing your press release. Highlight the key points and why it’s relevant to the journalist’s audience.

Sparking Interest

This part is maybe the most important. You want to spark their interest in your story. If your press release is attached, mention this and encourage them to read it for more details.

Or if the press release is in the body of the email, make sure it’s clearly marked and easy to find.

Timing is key when sending press releases. Avoid busy times like Monday mornings or Friday afternoons. These are times when your email is more likely to get lost in the shuffle.

Aim for mid-week and mid-morning for the best chance of getting noticed.

Keep your email professional but friendly. You want to build a relationship with the journalist, not just pitch to them. A well-crafted email can open the door for future communications and increase the likelihood of your press release being picked up.

Press Release Submission and Follow-up

After you’ve crafted your press release and prepared your email, the next step is sending it out and then following up.

Sending out a press release might seem simple, but there’s a bit more to it if you want to be effective.

First, you need to decide how you’ll send your press release. You can send it directly via email to the journalists and media outlets you’ve identified as relevant.

Another option is to use a press release service. These services can distribute your press release to a wide network of media contacts. This can increase your chances of getting noticed, though there’s a cost involved.

After sending your press release, the waiting game begins. But don’t just sit back and wait for responses.

Following up is important. Wait a couple of days, then send a polite email to confirm they received your press release. Ask if they need any more information.

This follow-up can make a big difference because it shows you’re serious about your news. It also helps build a relationship with the media.

But there’s a fine line between being persistent and becoming a nuisance.

You want to make sure you’re not overdoing it. If you don’t get a response after a follow-up or two, it’s time to move on. There will be other opportunities.

Keeping track of your press release’s impact is a big part of this process. Make note of which media outlets picked up your story and how much attention it received.

This can help you refine your approach for next time. Each press release is a learning opportunity. By analyzing what worked and what didn’t, you can improve your chances of success in the future.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

One big mistake is not personalizing your emails. Sending the same message to everyone might seem efficient, but it’s not very effective.

Reporters and editors receive tons of emails daily. A personalized note can make yours stand out.

Mention why you think your story fits their beat or previous stories they’ve written. It shows you’ve done your homework and care about their work.

Timing is another area where it’s easy to go wrong. You might have the best story, but if you send it out when the media is swamped with other news, it might get overlooked.

Not following up is a missed opportunity. Sure, you might be worried about seeming like a nuisance. That’s a very understandable concern. At the same time, people often appreciate a gentle nudge.

Plus, it shows you’re engaged and believe in your story.

Ignoring the power of a good subject line in your email is a common oversight. Your subject line is the first thing a journalist sees, so make it interesting and clear. It should give them a reason to open your email.

And don’t forget the importance of building relationships. Sending press releases is not just about getting your current story out. It’s about creating ongoing connections with the media.

Be courteous, professional, and respectful of their time and workload. These relationships can be beneficial for future stories.

Even if it’s a hard pass on the current press release you’re sending out, you can use the opportunity to show them you’re a pro. You’ll make it clear that you’ll be back another time to pitch them quality info.

That’s How To Send a Press Release Via Email

Navigating the world of media can be tricky, but with the right guidance on how to send a press release via email, your pitch can flourish.

At eReleases we help small businesses, startups, and authors get website traffic and better-quality customers through coverage in the media.

We write and distribute press releases to journalists, trade publications, and key industry influencers, increasing your visibility and credibility while bringing you more revenue from your dream clients.

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