PR Fuel: Press Release News, Resources & Public Relations Tips - Page 87 of 92

The PR Power of Niche Markets

January 12 2009

Consumers who really love your products or services can be thought of as your market’s “niche.” An economic recession should be a cue for companies to start looking at how their customers are changing their buying habits. As product choices continue to expand, consumers become increasingly more sophisticated and demanding. Take the time to review your public relations strategy and pay close attention to your niche markets. Part of your public relations budget can be spent studying and reaching out to your niche markets. Here are some quick reminders about developing niche markets: Read More

Internal PR: Happy Staff = Happy Customers

January 09 2009

Bad customer service is nothing new and faulty products are a given in this era of mass production. But for the small business and large corporations alike, consumer complaints about products or customer service can add up and eventually spell doom. The internet has opened up an entirely new avenue for complaining. Web sites have sprung up around the world for the express purpose of calling out the faults of companies. In the world of public relations, defending your company’s reputation has become that much harder. But in this battle against consumer complaints, there are several weapons at the disposal of any public relations professional, including a few you might not have realized. Read More

Apple’s Public Relations Balancing Act

January 08 2009

Steve Jobs is alive. That much we know. But the health status of the co-founder, chairman, and chief executive officer of Apple, Inc. remains a mystery to many, especially those who believe Jobs and the company’s public relations department are not being completely honest. One thing is clear: Questions about Jobs’ health are not going away anytime soon. Read More

Turning Down a Press Opportunity Isn’t PR Suicide

January 08 2009

Many public relations professionals may find it hard to believe, but it’s okay to turn down a press opportunity. And I’m not talking about opportunities where you may get sandbagged by a reporter. I’m talking about a press opportunity that looks good, at least on the surface. Read More

Add a “Human Touch” to Presentations and Interviews

January 07 2009

When speaking during public relations presentations or media interviews, it’s easy to make any number of rookie mistakes. You may not have prepared enough in advance. Try too hard to appear confident, and you may simply look like you’re showing off. You can confuse listeners by overusing unexplained technical jargon. You can speak in a flat, affectless tone that makes you seem cold and unemotional. Any or all of these mistakes may lead to an audience so bored that it misses your key messages completely. Here are five tips for adding a human touch to your next presentation, speech, or interview. Read More

PR Boost via Charitable Donations, Corporate Sponsorships

January 06 2009

A law firm underwrites a local business college’s Family Business Awards Luncheon. A maker of “12-Horse Ale” sponsors a “Horses on Parade” promotion benefiting local charities. An accounting firm invites key clients to participate in a Pro-Am golf tournament it is co-sponsoring.  These businesses know what recent research has proven: that doing good is good business. Consumers, employees, and community stakeholders are more likely to support companies associated with good causes. Studies consistently show charitable donations and corporate sponsorships have a positive impact on the bottom line through increased sales, improved consumer loyalty, employee morale, and enhanced brand awareness. It is an often inexpensive way to extend your public relations profile. Read More

Bill Gates, PR Bankruptcy, and Your Last Dollar

January 05 2009

“If I was down to my last dollar, I’d spend it on public relations.”
– Bill Gates, Microsoft Founder

Is your company or organization suffering from PR bankruptcy? Have you created or maintained goodwill with the media by proactively distributing at least one press release a quarter over the past few years? Read More

Why Should You Hire a Local Public Relations Firm?

January 05 2009

Why would a Los Angeles-based retailer hire a New York-based boutique public relations firm to handle the launch of new stores in a southern city? Hiring a local public relations firm would have made more sense, especially if the retailer in question did not already enjoy a national presence. Expanding a business to a new region can be an exhilarating, exhausting, and scary process. Hiring a local public relations firm when expanding into a new region makes sense for a number of reasons, including: Read More

Meet the Press: Tips for Your First Media Interview

January 05 2009

Congratulations! Your start-up company’s ready to announce its first product. Or maybe you’re handling a competitive announcement from one division of a huge corporation. Or maybe you’re somewhere between big business and entrepreneurship. Whatever the size of your organization, you’ve moved into the public relations stage. Let’s assume everything is ready: press list, press release, booth reserved at key trade shows. You’re good to go, right? Wrong. Because unless you and your staff are prepared for the series of media interviews that are (hopefully) about to ensue, you could be setting yourself up for disaster. Read More

Letters to the Editor: A Free Public Relations Resource

January 02 2009

You may not think of a letter to the editor as a way to extend your public relations budget, but a well-crafted letter in a widely read publication can be a powerful (and free) way to promote your company. Writing an effective letter to the editor will be that much easier if you use the following tips. Read More