Press Release Distribution: 10 Tips for Success

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You’ve written an amazing press release, now what’s the best way to distribute it to the media?
how to distribute a press release

Use a Press Release Distribution Service

Unless your press release is only of interest to the local media, the fastest, easiest and best way to maximize the results from your press release is to use a press release distribution service like

Why Use a Press Release Distribution Service?

There are several reasons why you should consider using a press release distribution service:

  1. Press Release Newswire Distribution:

    Every press release distributed by eReleases is also sent out on Cision PR Newswire’s press release wire service, the premiere newswire for press releases. This significantly expands your reach and the ROI on your efforts.

  2. Wider reach:

    Quality distribution services like eReleases have established networks and relationships with various media outlets, journalists, and industry influencers. This allows your press release to reach a much broader audience than you might be able to achieve on your own.

  3. Time and resource efficiency:

    Distributing a press release manually can be time-consuming and labor-intensive. A distribution service automates much of this process, saving valuable time and resources.

  4. Credibility and visibility:

    Many journalists and news organizations rely on trusted distribution services for news. Using these services can lend credibility to your release and increase the chances of it being seen by relevant media professionals.

  5. Targeted distribution:

    Most services, including eReleases, offer options to target your release based on industry, geography, or other specific criteria. This helps ensure your news reaches the most relevant audience.

  6. SEO benefits:

    Many distribution services offer SEO-optimized releases and publication on high-authority websites, which can improve your online visibility and search engine rankings.

  7. Analytics and reporting:

    Distribution services often provide detailed analytics on how your press release performed, including views, click-throughs, and which outlets picked up the story.

  8. Multimedia integration:

    Many services allow you to include images, videos, or other multimedia elements with your release, making it more engaging and shareable.

  9. Non-Traditional Media Sources:

    eReleases understands that the big media is not the primary source of news for many people today, so it also distributes your press release to influencers and bloggers in your space who may be interested in your news.

  10. Compliance and formatting:

    Distribution services ensure your release meets industry standards and is formatted correctly for various media outlets.

Crafting a Newsworthy Press Release

In the modern digital era, press releases are still an essential tool for businesses to communicate important news and updates to the media, customers, and stakeholders. As much as 1 out of 4 businesses publish more than 10 press releases each year.

But one thing many people don’t grasp is the importance of writing a press release that will get the attention of the media you send it to.

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To learn more about writing an effective press release, keep reading for 10 helpful tips.

1. Craft a Compelling Headline

Crafting a compelling press release headline is essential for grabbing the attention of journalists, editors, and readers. Your headline should convey the main point of your press release clearly and concisely. You should avoid using jargon or complex language that might confuse readers.

Use the headline to highlight the most newsworthy aspect of your press release. This could be to announce a product launch, a new partnership, a new hire, or to celebrate a significant business milestone.

Try to make your headline stand out from the crowd by adding a unique angle or perspective. A memorable headline is more likely to grab the attention of journalists and readers.

At the same time, you should ensure that your headline accurately reflects the content of your press release. Using misleading or sensational headlines can damage your credibility.

2. Focus on Newsworthy Content

Focusing on newsworthy content is crucial for ensuring that your press release captures the attention of journalists and editors. It should be relevant to your target audience. This means that it should contain information that is timely and important to them.

Your press release should contain information that is unique and not easily found elsewhere. This could be exclusive data, insights, or perspectives that will make your press release stand out from the competition. Consider the current news cycle and trends in your industry when determining the relevance of your press release.

Using quality and newsworthy content plays a big role in how to distribute a press release. By putting your best effort into your press release, you’ll receive a more favorable response in return.

3. Include Multimedia Elements

Including multimedia elements in your press release can significantly enhance its overall appeal and engagement. Images, videos, and infographics can make your press release more visually appealing and break up large blocks of text, making it easier for readers to consume.

Multimedia elements can help you tell your story more effectively. A well-chosen image or video can convey emotions and messages that words alone cannot. Only use multimedia elements that you have the right to use for copyright law purposes.

Always use high-quality and relevant images and videos that are clear and professional-looking. Using poor-quality multimedia can detract from your message.

Press releases with multiple images can receive up to 6 times more engagement than text alone. Place your multimedia elements strategically throughout your press release to enhance the reader’s experience and complement the text. Be sure not to overload it with images or it will look junky and unprofessional.

4. Use Quotes From Key Stakeholders

Using quotes from key stakeholders in your press release can add credibility. It also helps humanize your message and provide additional context to your news.

Choose the right stakeholders whose quotes will resonate with your audience and add value to your press release. This could include company executives, industry experts, or satisfied customers.

The quotes should provide insight or commentary that adds to the story you are telling in your press release. Avoid generic or bland quotes and strive for authenticity and relevance.

Clearly indicate that the text is a quote by using quotation marks to help distinguish the quote from the rest of the text. Always attribute quotes to the correct source with the name and title of the person being quoted, as well as their affiliation with your company.

5. Optimize for SEO

Optimizing your press release for search engines (SEO) is an important element for how to distribute a press release more effectively. SEO can help improve your press release’s visibility and reach a larger audience online.

Research relevant keywords related to your press release topic and include them naturally throughout the content. Use these keywords in the headline, subheadings, and body of the press release. Be sure to also optimize video and photo elements with relevant keywords in the file names and alt text.

SEO also pertains to areas like meta tags. Write a compelling meta title and description that includes relevant keywords. This will help search engines understand the content of your press release and display it in search results.

6. Target the Right Audience

Targeting the right audience is crucial for the success of your press release distribution. In a survey of over 3,000 journalists, 75% stated that understanding a target audience and their relevant content was the most important action for anyone working in PR.

Understand who your target audience is based on demographics, interests, behavior, and other relevant factors. This will help you tailor your press release to their preferences and needs.

Identify the publications, websites, and journalists that cater to your target audience. Research their preferences, editorial guidelines, and contact information to ensure your press release is well-targeted.

You should then tailor your press release to address the interests and concerns of your target audience. Highlight how your news or announcement is relevant to them and why they should care.

7. Choose the Right Distribution Channels

Choosing the right distribution channels for your press release is essential for reaching your target audience and achieving your communication goals. This is a key component in how to distribute a press release.

First, you must determine what you want to achieve with your press release. Are you looking to generate media coverage, reach a specific audience, or drive traffic to your website? Your goals will influence the choice of distribution channels.

Depending on your goals and target audience, it may be beneficial to use a combination of distribution channels. For example, you could distribute your press release through a press release service to reach a wide audience. You could also send it directly to journalists and media outlets that cover your industry.

Evaluate the reach and influence of each distribution channel. Choose channels that have a strong presence in your industry or that are popular among your target audience.

8. Follow Up With Your Press Release

Following up after your press release submission is an important step to ensure that it has been received. It also serves to increase the chances of media coverage.

Follow up within a few days of sending your press releases. This gives journalists and editors enough time to review your press release but isn’t so long that they may have already moved on to other stories.

When following up, personalize your message to each recipient. Reference your original press release and explain why you believe your news is relevant to their audience. Mention any previous interactions or coverage they have given your company or industry.

9. Monitor and Measure Results

Monitoring and measuring the results of your press release distribution is crucial. It helps you evaluate its effectiveness and inform future strategies.

Identify key metrics that align with your objectives and track them consistently. Common metrics to track include media mentions and website traffic. It can also include aspects like social media engagement and leads generated.

Use analytics tools to track and measure the performance of your press release. Google Analytics, for example, can help you track website traffic and user behavior. Using social media analytics tools can help you track social media engagement such as likes and shares.

Compare the performance of your current press release against benchmarks or past press release performance. This will help you understand whether your press release performed better or worse than expected.

10. Learn From Feedback

Learning from feedback is essential for improving your press release distribution strategy and increasing its effectiveness. Actively seek feedback from journalists, editors, readers, and other stakeholders. This can be done through surveys, interviews, or informal conversations.

Listen carefully to the feedback you receive and try to understand the underlying reasons behind it. Pay attention to both positive and negative insights, as both can provide you with valuable insights.

Look for patterns or trends in the feedback you receive. Are there common themes or issues that multiple people are highlighting? Identifying these patterns can help you prioritize areas for improvement.

Be open to constructive criticism and use it as an opportunity to learn and grow. Avoid becoming defensive. Instead, focus on understanding how you can improve your future press release efforts.

Discover How to Distribute a Press Release Effectively With eReleases Today

A press release has immense power to help businesses stand out and get noticed. Knowing how to distribute a press release strategically and effectively is vital to its overall success. A press release service can help ease the stress that comes with navigating the complex press release submission process.

eReleases works to help small businesses, authors, and startups with their unique PR needs. Our press release writing service makes writing a press release easy and affordable. Let us tailor a high-quality press release for you that gets results.

Contact our experienced PR specialists today to get started.

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