Email Marketing Tips to Learn From the Pros

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email_stampNext to press releases, email marketing is one of the toughest things to get exactly right in PR. In fact, it’s safe to say many businesses out there have experienced painful growing pains while they figured it out. Many still struggle with it.

Why? Because it’s very easy to get it wrong and make your customers feel like you’re spamming the heck out of them. Too many emails, or crappy content, or even a bad subject line and suddenly you’re in the spam folder and your messages are ignored forever.

There are plenty of companies out there, though, that have email marketing nailed down. Take a quick lesson from them and get yours under control. Here are a few examples.

Don’t Waste Time

Take a look at how concise and to the point Focus Pointe Global’s email is in Example #6.  It’s not exactly super pretty and majestic, but it gets to the point. They have information they want to share and know you’re a busy person. What more do you want?


An email marketing campaign is going to have multiple emails, usually on a regular interval. If yours is daily or even weekly you don’t want people to be overwhelmed. Keeping the emails short and sweet prevents this from happening.

Talk Like a Person 

Notice the email from in Example #2. While the blog accentuates the humor in the email, the main point to take away is that the message is from a real live human being. How many times have you gotten an email from a company and it sounds almost robotic? Did it inspire you to do more business with the company?

Probably not. The more time that goes by and the more savvy people become to companies’ presence in their lives, they want to know there are humans on the other end of the message. The more you make the messages sound like a real person, not a computer algorithm wrote them, the better.

That’s not to say you should practice your stand-up routine and make them rip-roaringly hilarious, but little touches here and there go a long way. Work to your strengths.

Focus on the Content 

While this may seem a little counterintuitive and even contradictory, this post from DIY Themes says to ignore social media profiles and focus on the content of the email instead. Most would instead say to blast your profiles everywhere you can put them.

But DIY Themes has a point. You can still link your profiles at the bottom of the email if you want, or in the links you’ve provided in the email. But you’re emailing people with great new info and other content like deals and coupons, not an opportunity to get lambasted with more content.

If they like the content enough they’ll more than likely actively look for your social media profiles to stay abreast of your company. Also keep in mind that they signed up for your email campaign through your website so they’re already aware of you in some manner. Make your emails amazing and they’ll seek you out on their own time.

How frequently do you send out emails in your campaigns?

This article is written by Mickie Kennedy, founder of eReleases (, the online leader in affordable press release distribution. Grab your free 160-page copy of the Big Press Release Book – Press Releases for Every Occasion and Industry here:

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