Twitter feed provides daily real-time listings of PR jobs nationwide.
Job opportunities in magazines, television, radio, newspapers, book publishing, online media, advertising, PR, and graphic design.
Operated in partnership with Columbia Journalism Review magazine, features a variety of media jobs in newspapers, wire services, television, radio, magazines, publishing, online media, and more.
IRE: The Job Center
Investigative Reporters and Editors and the National Institute for Computer-Assisted Reporting host an active website for some of the best-trained and highest-profile journalists in the world.
Media jobs from the the Association of Alternative Newsweeklies.
Media jobs for journalists of color.
TV job listings since 1986.
Media jobs in the television industry.
CareerBuilder, which has partnerships with newspapers throughout the nation, has more than 300,000 continuously updated jobs representing more than 25,000 of the top employers in virtually every industry and field.
Chronicle of Higher Education
Each week you will find hundreds of new job announcements from the latest issues of The Chronicle, plus other information useful to people pursuing careers in higher education.
Featuring more than 160,000 positions, is not the biggest, but it does have quality listings and excellent navigation and search features.
Wall Street Journal Career Guide
This is a comprehensive guide to online job databases (with emphasis on comprehensive).