Create a Positive Image by Sending Out Holiday Cards

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The season of gift giving and receiving is upon us. And while that used to mean running to the tree to see what sort of goodies were waiting for you, times have changed. As a savvy business person with PR on the mind, the holidays present a unique time for connecting with customers and building your brand. After all, emotions are out of control during this season. You have people running around with feelings of thankfulness and conversely those stressed over the shopping frenzy. Either way, they’re likely experiencing some extreme feelings.

So how can you capitalize? How can you use this emotional time to further connect with your customers? The answer lies in three simple words: Holiday greeting cards.

Timing is Everything

Usually when it comes to holiday cards, you will find most companies sending out Christmas cards with messages of “’tis the season to be jolly” and all of those trite phrases. And while that’s all well and good — it isn’t what we mean by sending out holiday greeting cards.

You see, the thing is — everyone’s doing it. And if everyone is sending out Christmas cards, that means yours is much more likely to get lost in the shuffle. And lost in the shuffle means ending up in a trash can, probably without being noticed, much less read.

Press releases make money

Instead, we suggest something a bit different. Something not everyone is doing. Thanksgiving cards.

Think about it. What message do you want customers to get? Obviously that you appreciate them. The entire holiday is founded upon this principle! There might be no better way to connect with their emotions right now than to simply say “We’re really thankful for you this year.”

Meanwhile, since everyone is rushing to send out their holiday cards during the traditional Christmas season, yours will slide into your client’s mailbox and be a breath of fresh air. No competition means your message will get seen. It’s simple logic.

Get Funky

Want to take things up a notch? Want to make your clients say “hm,” or even elicit a chuckle? Then do something different with your holiday card. Opt for a funny message or a funky means of delivery. If you can’t write “funny,” consider employing a freelance copywriter to do the job for you.

Remember, if you want to be a big fish in a smaller pond, send out your holiday cards before the rush. Happy Thanksgiving!

This article is written by Mickie Kennedy, founder of eReleases (, the online leader in affordable press release distribution. Download your free copy of the Beginner’s Guide to Writing Powerful Press Releases here:

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