13 Tips for Succeeding as a Ghostwriter

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About 65% of marketers struggle with creating engaging or Google-loved content. Meanwhile, businesses with blogs generate 126% higher lead growth than brands without blogs. About 70% of US companies actively invest in content marketing.

As a ghostwriter, you can offer your services to help businesses with their content marketing strategies. Here are 13 ghostwriting tips you can use to build your business. With these tips, you can build a writing career full of success.

Read on to learn more.

1. Talk to Your Clients

About 80% of marketers plan to spend more on content marketing. In fact, 92% of marketers and businesses claim content is their most valuable business asset. Appeal to each client’s specific needs by asking what they expect from your ghostwriting services.

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Having a conversation with each client will ensure you’re on the same page. Consider establishing SMART goals with your clients. Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely goals will help you create content that aligns with their needs.

During your meeting, take notes. Make sure you understand the client’s brand guidelines.

Their brand guidelines include their brand’s voice, tone, and personality. Match your writing to their branding to maintain brand consistency. Otherwise, your content might fail to match what the client has already created.

Prepare a list of questions you want to ask each client to ensure you understand their needs. Asking questions can also spark ideas between you both.

Then, you can use your notes to follow a clear path the client expects you to follow.

2. Remain Flexible

As you begin establishing your writing career, it’s important to remain accommodating and flexible.

Clients have a limited amount of time available. It can take time before they’re able to respond to your questions or review your content. Remain accommodating to show customers that you’re prioritizing their needs.

While it’s important to remain available, you also shouldn’t underestimate your value. Think about how much time you’re dedicating to each client. Keep track of your hours to ensure your fees reflect the time and effort you’re spending.

If you think your work and time are worth thousands of dollars, you’ll likely attract clients willing to pay your fees.

3. Follow an Outline

Measure twice, cut once to save time and remain efficient. After speaking to the client, define and document the scope of the project. Create an outline that notes the:

  • SMART goal
  • Type of content (web page, article, eBook, etc.)
  • Context
  • Brand guidelines
  • Deadline

Outline the content you plan to write as well. Once you’ve defined the project and created the outline, send it to the client for approval. Getting their approval before you begin working will save you time in the long run.

Creating an outline will also give you the chance to organize your thoughts.

If you and the client miscommunicated during the planning stage, you can make changes to the outline before you start writing.

Once you define the scope of the project, stick with it. Following the client’s exact instructions will show them that you can meet their expectations.

4. Read Often

To expand your ghostwriting skills, read! Read everything and anything to learn from different styles, tones, and voices. Collect samples and make a note of what works (or what doesn’t) to learn from writers before you.

Everything from contemporary literature to company blogs and press releases can help you sharpen your skill set as a writer.

You can gain insights into different structural components, what makes high-quality content, and writing trends.

5. Write With Variety

Start building a portfolio by writing a variety of content. When you first get started, avoid being too picky about the assignments you accept. You can learn from hands-on experience while showing future clients your capabilities.

Experiment with different content formats, including:

  • Blog posts/articles
  • eBooks
  • Video scripts
  • Email campaigns

You can also write fiction versus non-fiction, short stories versus novels, or blog posts versus press releases. Experimenting with different formats and genres will showcase your range. It can also help you determine what type of projects you prefer.

Write on different topics as well. You can start building your technical writing abilities to take on more complex projects.

Freelance writing as a ghostwriter will help build your credibility. You can show future clients that you have experience with businesses like theirs.

Freelancing will also give you the chance to gather feedback. You can learn from your previous mistakes to continuously grow your abilities.

6. Develop a Portfolio

Your portfolio will speak to your skill set. Choose your favorite projects or assignments that demonstrate your range. You can share your portfolio online or send potential clients samples.

When sending samples, make sure to choose previous clients that demonstrate the skills the client needs.

For example, if they need help writing a novel, showcase a recent fiction project you wrote. If they need help with blog posts, send them a link to a blog article with high engagement.

7. Use Different Voices

As you begin building your portfolio, try to show off projects from different clients. Demonstrate your ability to adapt to different voices and writing styles.

For example, you might write in a conversational tone for a blog post or a formal style for a technical piece.

Your clients will likely have specifications you’ll need to meet. Showcasing your range will help them feel confident in your abilities.

8. Market Your Skills

You won’t gather clients if you don’t market your skills.

You can email businesses, bid on jobs online, or meet local business owners in person. Diversify your marketing strategy to maximize opportunities.

Expand your skill set as well. For example, you can use your writing skills to offer a range of ghostwriting services, including:

  • Digital ad writing
  • Search engine optimization (SEO)
  • Email campaigns
  • Social media captions

Search engine optimization can help website content organically rank higher on search engines. Higher rankings will help more people find content online. Understanding the terms people use during searches can ensure you appear for specific queries.

Price your ghostwriting services based on the digital marketing service you’re offering. For monthly retainers, $501 to $1,000 a month is the most popular. Per project, $2,501 to $5,000 is the most popular pricing tier.

The mean salary for a US-based SEO professional is $60,548.

Expanding your abilities and marketing those skills can help you generate more revenue.

9. Hone Interviewing Skills

Some clients will need an active listener who can gather information through interviews. Try developing your skill set as an interviewer.

Practice your active listening skills. Ask questions to learn about your clients, their businesses, and their needs. Asking questions will also ensure accuracy, allowing you to avoid miscommunications.

You can market your interview skills to start attracting new clients.

10. Create a Website

Create a website for your ghostwriting business. Your website will provide potential clients with easy access to your portfolio. It can also operate as a digital resume to showcase your experience, skills, and areas of expertise.

Make sure your website is organized and easy to navigate. Improve the user experience by adding white space. A clear, crisp website will keep visitors focused on your text.

If the website is messy or difficult to explore, visitors might leave without reviewing your content. You could miss the chance to attract new clients as a result.

If you plan on offering SEO as a service, optimize your website. Optimizing your website using relevant keywords will help potential clients find your ghostwriting business online.

Add a lead form to your website. Use a strong, compelling call to action to encourage potential clients to contact you for more information. Once people begin reaching out, make sure to respond as quickly as possible.

If you wait too long to respond, they might decide to hire a different ghostwriter.

11. Network

Don’t wait for clients to come to you. Instead, start networking to find new opportunities. Ask friends and family members if they need a ghostwriter.

If they don’t, ask them to market your business on your behalf through word-of-mouth marketing.

Use online platforms to extend your reach online, too. For example, you can use Indeed, LinkedIn, or other work platforms. Offer your skills on specialty sites based on different services.

For example, you can offer your ghostwriting abilities to clients who need press release writing services.

12. Use Social Media

You can showcase your work and reach new clients through social media marketing.

Share snippets of your work on social media. Create a link to the full project to direct more people to your website.

Use social media to share testimonials from your recent clients, too. Sharing testimonials could encourage future clients to trust your ghostwriting abilities.

13. Remain Patient

It can take time before you grow your writing career. Once you begin using these tips, remain patient with yourself.

As with developing any business, it can take time. Keep expanding your skill set and offering new services. In time, you’ll find your niche, attract clients, and experience success.

Become a Successful Ghostwriter Today

Becoming a successful ghostwriter is easier than people realize. Use these tips to sharpen your skills as a writer. Once you start attracting clients, you can show the world what you’re made of.

Experience success today!

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