Press Release Headlines

Posts Tagged ‘60 minutes’

Occupy Your Living Room…or Car? Protest via Foreclosure or Homeless Shelter

Oppenheim Law highlights the 60 Minutes piece about a new generation of Florida families who are out on the street, many as a result of foreclosure; Foreclosure Defense Attorney Roy Oppenheim questions the role Wall Street played in moving the staggering 16 million homeless from living on Main Street to living in cars and shelters […]

USA Memory Champ Says Cain and Perry's Brain Freezes Easily Fixable but Catastrophic if Not

FORT WORTH, Texas, Nov. 16, 2011 — Top GOP candidates Rick Perry and Herman Cain are experiencing brain freezes and it could cost them the election. Perry couldn't remember the third agency he would eliminate and Cain's brain seemed to lock up when asked about Libya. Two-time USA Memory Champion and memory expert Ron White […]

Resvera Health Rx Adds Heart-Healthy Vitamin D3 to New Resveratrol Capsules with Anti-Aging Benefits

WINDSOR, Calif., Sept. 15, 2009 — On January 25, 2009, when 60 Minutes first aired a segment featuring Resveratrol entitled Wine Rx, an anti-aging revolution was born. The 60 Minutes piece focused primarily on Resveratrol studies conducted by Dr. David Sinclair of Harvard Medical School. This naturally occurring anti-oxidant and plant chemical is found in […]

Booty Camp(R) Potty Training Program as Featured in People Magazine Is Launched on DVD

WEST CHICAGO, Ill., May 19, 2009 — Potty Training is a daunting task, and not one taken lightly by any parent. Registered Pediatric Nurse and Neonatal Specialist Wendy Sweeney has successfully potty trained over 650 children in her private practice during the last 6 years. As a result of overwhelming demand from parents globally who […]