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Self-Limiting Belief Buster Loretta Mohl Offers Timely Tips to Make Daring Greatly Less Scary

PLAYA DEL CARMEN, Mexico, Oct. 10, 2013 /PRNewswire/ — Now that Oprah Winfrey and Brene Brown are guiding millions of Lifeclass viewers in 67 countries to find gifts in their imperfections, Self-Limiting Belief Buster Loretta Mohl agrees that it's time to get to the root cause of worthiness issues and dare greatly in the direction of our dreams.  "A shiny New Year is approaching. It's time to dream big, take action, and make it so – by starting with the noise between the ears."

In her work with hundreds of entrepreneurial leaders with her proprietary Focused Intention Technique since 1998, three-time author Mohl has guided clients to eliminate and manage limiting beliefs to advance in their work, improve their most important relationships, and feel better about the upward trajectory of their lives. Clients who once felt unworthy of success, struggled with imposter syndrome, or settled for a safe approach are feeling worthy, confident, and comfortable in their discomfort to step forward into the arena to achieve big goals that really matter.

Mohl offers these practical tips to guide serious action takers to embrace their worthiness, harvest their upside, and live purposefully.

  1. Name and claim self-limiting beliefs. "The top three issues that keep people stuck are charging their worth, finding courage to make a big request, and gaining confidence to be seen and heard so they can make big impact. You can't change what you do not call by name," Mohl says.
  2. Put a system in place to eliminate limiting beliefs standing in the way of your happiness.  "The key is to apply a fail proof, step-by-step process – the Focused Intention Technique — that fixes the fatal flaws that might be blocking joy and prosperity," Mohl advises.
  3. Start each day with focus and intention about the single most important thing to change to live your greatest life. "Eighty percent or more of our thinking is unconscious. Clarity brings the conscious and unconscious beliefs into alignment," she says.
  4. Assign time daily to connect and listen to your body.  Awareness helps to bring the limitation to the surface so you can set it aside.  Mohl suggests placing your right hand on your heart, feeling the pace of your breathing, and noticing where you might be holding tension.
  5. Connect to your soul.  That makes life juicier and less frustrating. She says, "It is time to get the out of your head and back to your heart. That is the source of all loving acts and random kindness and generosity."
  6. Stay Open. It's OK to voice big dreams and deepest desires.  Honor and nurture them with reverence and respect.
  7. To release limiting beliefs, get at the root cause, the ancient history and the deeper feelings attached to the belief.  "It takes courage to see and speak your own truth, and it is so worth it," Mohl says.
  8. Ask for and take action with support.  Find a coach or mentor you trust to guide you to release the self-limiting beliefs that are standing in your way.  Courses like the Brene Brown e-course starting on October 20 are a great place to start.  For those who need one-on-one support, do your due diligence to find the right fit.  Mohl says, "Oprah Winfrey has often said, 'You get in life what you have the courage to ask for,' and Brene Brown says, 'We share with people who have earned the right to hear the story.' I believe that knowing what you want and sharing deeply with a trusted guide to unlock the upside is always a great place to begin."

About Self-Limiting Belief Buster Loretta Mohl:

Self-Limiting Belief Buster Loretta Mohl is the creator of the Focused Intention Technique that has guided hundreds of entrepreneurs since 1998 to live lives they love through the power of listening, reflecting, and gaining clarity around the intentions that matter most for each. She is the author of Bust Your Stress: Heal Your Past and Get a Move on LifeBust Your Stress: Heal Your Past to Get Your Happiness On, and Unlimited You. To learn more and access the Living the Life You Love Assessment, visit  To invite Mohl to share perspective-shifting tips and inquire about quantity orders of her books, call 780-910-5052 or emailEmail.