Press Release Headlines

Industry Wages Inc. Releases New Wages App for Android Devices

SANTA MONICA, Calif., Aug. 4, 2011 — With more than 10,000 registered users and over 5,000 wage and salary data points, the Industry Wages' beta website ) has proven to be a driving force in promoting wage equality for its creative arts industries over the past two years. Now, Industry Wages has stepped into the mobile realm, releasing its first app for Android devices.

"With the proliferation of Android among mobile devices worldwide, diving into the mobile market was essential to increase our visibility with potential users," says Aruna Inversin, President of Industry Wages Incorporated.

This newly released Wages App allows customizable wage conversions between typical pay scenarios (hourly, daily, weekly, and salary) and also takes into account California overtime. In addition, it gives options for conversion between the more popular world currencies.

"The majority of our website users are based in California, so it made sense to initially provide overtime calculations based on that region," continues Inversin. "However, we do have provisions to remove those overtime restrictions to allow a global audience access to our tools. We also will continually improve the app based on user feedback." An iOS version of the app is in process, and will hopefully be released before the end of summer.

Initial response to the app has been positive and currently there is an ad-supported version in the Android Market, as well as a forthcoming paid version which will contain more features. In the near future, Internet connectivity will be required for the app's currency exchange capability. Visit to install and view screenshots of the app.

About Industry Wages Incorporated

Industry Wages Incorporated was created by visual effects professionals based in Los Angeles who felt wages and salaries were too secretive in the creative arts industry.

The company has made significant strides in acquiring users. However, Industry Wages is looking to expand its services to other vital industries around the world and is seeking investors to increase its visibility and revenue potential. For more information about this company or its inaugural website, visit .


Aruna Inversin, President

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