Press Release Headlines Can Excessive Masturbating Cause Premature Ejaculation?

LOS ANGELES, Dec. 4, 2003 — Masturbation can lead to premature ejaculation? According to Dr. YunBo Liu from, a website dedicated to educating and assisting those with sexual problems, has demonstrated a link between masturbation and premature ejaculation exists.

While mainstream views that center on the topic of masturbation debate the appropriateness of self-stimulation, health issues rarely get raised. Common misconceptions regarding the topic range from the belief that masturbation causes hairy palms or blindness to the idea that masturbating is healthy and has no negative effects on a person's health. Both sides of the extreme prove to be faulty. Instead, excessive masturbation, according to Dr. Liu, "can be very harmful" if not kept to a minimum. Dr. Liu goes on to add that, "Masturbating is like many pleasurable activities in life. Doing a little is safe but doing too much is dangerous."

Among thousands of case studies, hundreds document the effects that excessive masturbation has on men with premature ejaculation as a common consequence. Through innovative means and efforts, the has been able to pinpoint and explain this new discovery. It seems premature ejaculation might not all be in the head as prescribed by many researchers and therapists.

According to Dr. Liu, "There is a huge change in body chemistry when one masturbates excessively." Due to the change in chemistry, Dr. Liu notes that negative effects like chronic fatigue or even erectile dysfunction occur with more frequency and severity as masturbation continues. The change in chemistry is due to the depletion of essential hormones, such as testosterone and serotonin that are often used during sexual activity. Ejaculating too frequently will cause depletion and an imbalance of these hormones and vital chemicals. More notably and more specifically, Dr. Liu contends that over-masturbation leads to difficulty achieving an erection, which he argues is responsible for a series of events that weakens body's nervous system which is responsible for ejaculation.

The website details the effects that over-masturbation has on the male body and then goes about explaining, in remarkably accessible detail, the how, what, and whys that the majority of people ask. While many sexual therapists promote the idea that stress and performance anxiety causes premature ejaculation, Dr. Liu maintains that, due to research and documentation, excessive masturbation might be a leading cause of premature ejaculation that is frequently ignored. Medical experts from are furthering research from Thermal Imaging and case studies to better acknowledge the relationship between over-masturbation and premature ejaculation.

Help is out there for the countless number of males who suffer from premature ejaculation. In this case, it comes in the form of a new and interesting albeit unique approach of viewing an age old, seemingly hopeless