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Heather Guffin, how Airport Apps & Cloud Solutions Benefit Timeshare Businesses

PHOENIX, Feb. 12, 2014 /PRNewswire/ — Heather Guffin is the president and CEO of Alliance Sales and Marketing Solutions, who also holds a Bachelor's Degree in Physics, from the University of Washington. The nature of the Alliance business requires that Heather spends a considerable amount of time on the road, traversing the country promoting products, networking, and attending conferences and charity events.  Such a hectic schedule demands a clear and direct line of communications with her employees, in both Mexico and the US.

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Heather Guffin understands that the aggregation of real-time date is fundamental to running a business. As such Heather is dependent on the accuracy and flexibility of cloud systems to keep her up-to-date, and at the helm of her businesses while on the road. Heather Guffin advocates the benefits of using cloud platforms and believes that timeshare sales and marketing businesses can greatly benefit from adopting cloud systems.

Many businesses still operate on traditional analogue models, and are yet to move their business operation to the cloud, despite the mass adoption of cloud platforms by hundreds of major businesses, and the fact that millions of people enjoy the convenience of cloud platforms on a daily basis such as Gmail and Facebook.  A number of businesses are missing out on advantages such as:

Greater Economies of Scale – Timeshare businesses will increase their volume output and productivity with a smaller work-force, and more than likely witness drops in project, product and unit cost by switching to the cloud.

Streamlining of Daily Operations – Businesses in general are provided better access to information, and able to execute operations and communicate using less resources.

Expenditure Reduction – The necessary infrastructure needed to run a timeshare business is supplied through the cloud host. Cloud hosting automates software maintenance such as updates, upgrades and licensing, allowing businesses to focus on the business itself rather than logistics.

Dynamic Training Platforms – Cloud systems like Alliance iTeam provide dynamic platforms for in-house training. Reducing the need to allocate training personnel, as new sales team members are guided through the sales process step by step via task automation and progressive learning.

Greater Project Overview – Instant accessibility to real-time data and statistics allows timeshare businesses greater awareness, project overview, and overall control.

Optimized Mobilization & Interconnection – Authorized access of data through web enabled devices such as iPads, Smartphones, and android devices means that the sales team of a timeshare businesses can stay connected, up-to-date, and available no matter where they are. This enables businesses to enjoy all the benefits and advantages of increased interconnection between a mobile work-force through virtualization of their office.

Technology is rapidly changing the way people do business, it is important that businesses change with it.

Heather Guffin's Airport App is the latest product on the horizon for Alliance Sales and Marketing Solutions and is set for release later this year. Learn more about the Alliance CEO, Heather Guffin and how cloud systems can help you optimize your business today.

Media Contact:
Will Kelly
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