Press Release Headlines

e-Cycle CEO Urges Organizations to Make Wireless Reuse and Recycling a Key Component of Their Mobile Data Security Strategy

HILLIARD, Ohio, April 12, 2012 — In response to recent research reports revealing startling discoveries regarding the failure to protect sensitive mobile data, e-Cycle Founder and CEO Christopher Irion announced the launch of a campaign encouraging businesses and organizations to implement responsible mobile reuse and recycling as a key component of their mobile security strategies.

According to Irion, as mobile devices quickly become the prevalent way employees interact with clients and colleagues, mobile data security has never been more critical for businesses, regardless of size or industry. And yet, he says, many organizations do not consider secure mobile reuse and recycling as part of their strategic endpoint data security plan.

"The legal and financial ramifications of sensitive data ending up in the wrong hands are staggering," Irion said. "Of greater concern are the many organizations that do attempt to put safeguards in place but actually fail to retire their devices in a secure way. They store them in accessible closets or desk drawers, resell or recycle them with uncertified mobile buyback/recycling companies, donate them to charity or entrust their employees to manage the data deletion and recycling themselves. We want to raise awareness to the fact that responsible mobile reuse and recycling must be a critical component of any mobile data security plan."

To that end, e-Cycle's campaign will focus on educating companies and organizations about the benefits of mobile security, including how to create a roadmap to safely and securely recycle mobile devices to prevent data breaches and the importance of only using e-Stewards certified electronics recycling companies to ensure toxic e-waste is not exported into developing countries.

The campaign comes at a critical time, based on an insightful study by the Ponemon Institute and Websense of more than 4,000 organizations in 12 countries, the results of which found that 77 percent use mobile devices in the workplace, but only 39 percent had security controls in place. More than half of the companies experienced data loss because of unsecured mobile devices, including laptops, smartphones, USB devices and tablets.

Irion estimates that 90 to 95 percent of mobile device shipments that e-Cycle receives from clients claiming to have removed the data still contain confidential information. A smaller percentage of devices still contain active lines that are continually transmitting information.

About e-Cycle

e-Cycle helps organizations take a more responsible, secure and profitable approach to wireless mobile phone recycling. e-Cycle collects used mobile devices from businesses and organizations, reimbursing them for devices that retain value and recycling all others at no charge. The information on every phone is either deleted or destroyed using the industry's most rigorous data security measures. In January 2012, e-Cycle became the only mobile buyback and recycling company in the world to become e-Stewards certified, the highest globally recognized standard for environmental protection. For more information, visit

Contact: Paulie Anthony | 614.397.7490 | Email

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