eNewsroom for: Daniel Gray

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Daniel Gray Company Profile

ShadowTax came about through a lifelong struggle. Over a year ago, I felt free from the madness that had plagued me my entire life, and spent the following year writing it all down. I had suffered through many things, and what kept me sane was focusing on impossible problems. If a solution to the problem was found, I didn’t allow myself to share it. This book that I wrote was a personal confession of my own madness and a number of solutions that I had for a wide variety of problems. After pitching my book idea to a few literary agents and getting either nothing or rejection letters, I realized that sharing this personal work was emotionally too heavy a lift for me. I decided this during the government shutdown of 2013. At the end of the pointless shutdown, the politicians punted the issues again for a few months.

News from Daniel Gray:

Is It Possible to Raise Revenues While Lowering Taxes and Not Cutting Spending? Yes, Only With A Shadow Tax!

NEW YORK, Nov. 11, 2013 /PRNewswire/ — Creating a Shadow Tax in the US would cut through party lines, dramatically increase government revenues, and increase gainful employment.  Partisan bickering and confusion has led to the Great Recession and recently a government shutdown.  Both sides have elements of truth and elements not based in reality.  One […]